It's because of people like her that we have a Republican president in the first place. Without people like her we wouldn't have a tax cut, we wouldn't be winning the war on terror, our economy would not be recovering, our military would still be in a shambles with low morale and underfunding, we wouldn't be developing a missile defense system, we wouldn't be trying to develop more and better sources of energy, we wouldn't be trying to fix the educational system, and we wouldn't have a first Lady who is the epitome of grace.
NO, instead we would be bound to the Kyoto Treaty, more of the Western US would be in the hands of the Federal government, we would have a far more egregious CFR, we'd have a disastrous patients bill of rights, we'd have gun control up the yin-yang, and we'd have Yassar Arafat yuking it up in the Oval Office. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?