Posted on 03/16/2002 12:56:46 AM PST by Cincinatus' Wife
Edited on 04/13/2004 2:39:56 AM PDT by Jim Robinson. [history]
Caracas, Venezuela -- In bars and restaurants these days, the debate among Venezuelans is no longer whether or not populist President Hugo Chavez will finish his term, but when he will go and how.
"At the rate of decline, it is hard to see him staying in power for more than 90 (more) days," said Eric Ekvall, a U.S. corporate consultant, who has lived for some two decades in Venezuela.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Venezuela a risk? Blame media, says Chavez --[Excerpt] Chavez, a tough-talking ex-paratrooper, has brushed aside calls to resign, ridiculed opposition moves against him and accused the media and political foes of waging a campaign of ``media terrorism'' against his self-proclaimed ``revolution''.
In comments Sunday, the Venezuelan leader slammed what he called ``perverse, immoral, lying and ill-intentioned'' coverage of Venezuela by national and international media. [End Excerpt]
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