We're losing our Mexican identity and instead absorbing the values of North Americans, which are well, consumerism, yes, consumerism and that's about it."
OK now, let me get this straight, Jose. Your fellow countrymen ( 11 million +) break our laws by sneaking in across our borders in the middle of the night to, supposedly, have a chance at a better way of life. Yet it is this better way of life that you condemn when it exists in your own country. What gives?
You bitch about North American values of consumerism as being bad, if so why are so many of you over here trying to gobble it up as if theres no tomorrow?
You say you are losing your Mexican identity based on prosperity so you should understand how we feel about losing our identity from hordes of illiterate illegals that do not speak our language, put a financial drain on our education systems, medical facilities and all municipal services and turn our neighborhoods into barrios with the God-awful murals on the side of every building in sight.
Tell you what Jose, you get your 11 million + brethren to hightail it back across the border and Ill gladly write a letter to McDonalds asking them to change the name of their Mexican franchises to McPedros so as not to rob you of your identity. Deal?
"They are excellent economists who can increase GNP and talk about economic policies. But the figures don't reflect the reality," said Susana Cruickshank, a Mexico City activist taking part in a side meeting of non-governmental organizations. "In the competitive business model, someone always loses." [End Excerpt]
Good grief!!