Cosmologist Alan Guth says there could be an infinite number of universes, which is to say, some indefinite number bigger than 10^80. The funny thing about that is, though, this universe might be the only one containing monkeys.
This article is a great one, but many have negected to consider the true variables in their responses. The author asserts that he has had to modify the keyboard so that all letters are upper case only, and therefore has not calculated enough possible keystrokes. Also, he has based his calculation is the evo's favor by assuming these monkeys can type one line per second...that line contains 10 words, or, by his given speed, the monkeys typed at a rate of 600 words per minute. This is 15
times faster than the average human. Each one of the variables, when correctly multiplied into the equation will exponetially increase the results and thereby diminish the possibility of the event ever happening.
The correct variables put into the formula make for an event that wouldn't happen ever, anywhere, at any time.
...unless of course intellegence were somehow included.