LOL...holding my ribs here..
Well, first, according to the experiment, as set up, the monkeys all fail the fitness test in the first four days, because the calculations have not included the necessary sleep, eating, bowel movements that are necessary to survival. So, when those things are factored in, we can even further expontentially diminish the possibilities, by a factor of 5.
Second, you "fitness" criteria is nonesense, because we are talking about monkeys. In no way was the experement dealing with a monkey's ability to survive. His survival has nothing to do with the experiment at all. Nowhere does it say that he doesn't get any bananas if he doesn't type correctly, or that he has to hold his poop until he gets it right. There is no reward/punishment included in this experiment, so you are very much mistaken in alluding to "fitness".
the point is to allude at how the experiment fails to model evolution. my attempt to add "fitness" to it is to more closely model natural evolution. capiche?