That is an apt description of what Calvin felt about Servetus and what he did to him.
1. Calvin WAS the authority in Geneva; he could start or stop anything he wished. He was known as the POPE of Geneva.
2. Calvin did make statements ahead of time that he would see Servetus dead. They are preserved in post #52. He followed through on his promises.
3. Calvin did stand by and permit this cruel punishment when he had the power to change it.
Servetus' crime: instead of believing that Jesus was the eternal Son of the eternal God, Servetus believed that Jesus was the son of the eternal God. He was turned around backward on his doctrine of the Trinity....but to KILL him for it! God forbid that any Christian would affirm such merciless hardheartedness.
For such a crime as this a PHARISEE would kill someone; and for similar doctrinal disagreements PHARISEES today like to LABEL their opponents as satanic just as Calvin labeled this opponent as satanic.
What charge such as this can be laid at the feet of Jesus? These charges against John Calvin have not been laid to rest. They are a continual SINFUL, HATEFUL mark on his record. Only for "true believers in John Calvin" have they been set aside, and that of necessity.
Calvin did not teach the doctrine of Jesus, Paul, Peter, or any of the early church. He certainly didn't practice it. He taught a hard, unloving and unforgiving God and THAT is what he became himself, hard, unloving, and unforgiving.