According to the Dictionary.
per·vert Pronunciation Key (pr-vûrt)
tr.v. per·vert·ed, per·vert·ing, per·verts
n : a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior
[syn: deviant, deviate, degenerate] v 1: corrupt morally [syn: corrupt, demoralize, debauch, debase, profane, vitiate, deprave, misdirect] 2: change the meaning of [syn: twist, twist around, convolute, sophisticate] 3: change the inherent purpose or function of something [syn: misuse, abuse]
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
First, you are using the term correctly if homosexuality is in fact not "right, proper, or good". According to your moral code it's not. I can't argue with that. The problem is that some people do not share your moral code. Something to think about.
Second, when you talk to a person who, let's say, is not that smart, do you call him an idiot and point to a page in the dictionary if he complains? Probably not. Why? Wouldn't you be technically correct?