The conservative answer should be to have government enforce existing law (instead of violating the US Constitution). The conservative answer should have been to keep the middle class Japanese-Americans in their homes, businesses, and farms! Instead the liberals stuck those families in a prison camp to rot for 2-4 years. The families NEVER recovered and ended up welfare dependent people for the next 3 generations!
That's great if you're a DNC power broker, but pretty lousy for the younger folks who get parasitized for their entire lives. FDR's regime was like an alien attached to the faces of the unsuspecting host humans...sucking the life and creativity out of their host and turning them into lifeless shells.
Well, the liberals got what they wanted. They got life long allegiance of the welfare-dependent, mind-numbed, spirit-killed people who emerged from the prison camps.
See "Stockholm Syndrome" for more info.