This is an INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT piece of historical analysis, and sooner we can each start doing our small bit to begin to counter the Left's ongoing lies about this, the better.
The truth will come out and be known some day, the truth about the true origins of the Nazis and the fact that they were, like the Bolsheviks, the products of nineteenth century Neitzchean and post-Enlightment Nihilism.
The role of homosexuality in their birth is yet another grossly neglected truth -- especially now that homosexuals are boldly claiming their status as "normal" members of society.
I have vigorously countered the schools system's teaching about the true nature of Naziism with each of my three children, and as they have arrived at college, each one of them tells me that their professors have NO ANSWER WHATEVER to the fact that the so-called "right-wing" nature of this brand of Socialism was a myth propounded and propagated in the years just after the war by the American Left.
Thanks again!! p> NOW -- LET'S BUMP THIS UNTIL IT GRABS!!
Not really homosexuals in general but, rather a particular variety of homosexuals-super macho S&M- a perversion within a perversion.