REPUBLICAN | 41 | 176 | 5 | |
DEMOCRATIC | 198 | 12 | 1 | |
INDEPENDENT | 1 | 1 | ||
TOTALS | 240 | 189 | 6 |
| ||
Abercrombie | Green (TX) | Napolitano |
Ackerman | Greenwood | Neal |
Allen | Grucci | Oberstar |
Andrews | Gutierrez | Obey |
Baca | Hall (OH) | Olver |
Baird | Harman | Ortiz |
Baldacci | Hastings (FL) | Osborne |
Baldwin | Hill | Ose |
Barrett | Hinchey | Owens |
Bass | Hinojosa | Pallone |
Becerra | Hoeffel | Pascrell |
Bentsen | Holden | Pastor |
Bereuter | Holt | Payne |
Berkley | Honda | Pelosi |
Berman | Hooley | Petri |
Berry | Horn | Phelps |
Bishop | Houghton | Platts |
Blagojevich | Hoyer | Pomeroy |
Blumenauer | Inslee | Price (NC) |
Boehlert | Israel | Quinn |
Bonior | Jackson (IL) | Ramstad |
Bono | Jackson-Lee (TX) | Rangel |
Borski | Jefferson | Reyes |
Boswell | John | Rivers |
Boyd | Johnson (CT) | Rodriguez |
Brady (PA) | Johnson (IL) | Roemer |
Brown (FL) | Johnson, E. B. | Ros-Lehtinen |
Brown (OH) | Jones (OH) | Ross |
Capito | Kanjorski | Rothman |
Capps | Kaptur | Roybal-Allard |
Capuano | Kennedy (RI) | Rush |
Cardin | Kildee | Sabo |
Carson (IN) | Kilpatrick | Sanchez |
Carson (OK) | Kind (WI) | Sanders |
Castle | Kirk | Sandlin |
Clay | Kleczka | Sawyer |
Clayton | Kucinich | Schakowsky |
Clement | LaFalce | Schiff |
Clyburn | Lampson | Serrano |
Condit | Langevin | Shays |
Conyers | Lantos | Sherman |
Costello | Larsen (WA) | Simmons |
Coyne | Larson (CT) | Skelton |
Cramer | LaTourette | Slaughter |
Crowley | Leach | Smith (MI) |
Cummings | Lee | Smith (WA) |
Davis (CA) | Levin | Snyder |
Davis (FL) | Lewis (GA) | Solis |
Davis (IL) | LoBiondo | Spratt |
DeFazio | Lofgren | Stark |
DeGette | Lowey | Stenholm |
Delahunt | Lucas (KY) | Strickland |
DeLauro | Luther | Stupak |
Deutsch | Lynch | Tanner |
Dicks | Maloney (CT) | Tauscher |
Dingell | Maloney (NY) | Taylor (MS) |
Doggett | Markey | Thompson (CA) |
Dooley | Mascara | Thune |
Doyle | Matheson | Thurman |
Edwards | Matsui | Tierney |
Engel | McCarthy (MO) | Towns |
Eshoo | McCarthy (NY) | Turner |
Etheridge | McCollum | Udall (CO) |
Evans | McDermott | Udall (NM) |
Farr | McGovern | Upton |
Fattah | McHugh | Velazquez |
Ferguson | McIntyre | Visclosky |
Filner | McKinney | Walsh |
Foley | McNulty | Wamp |
Ford | Meehan | Waters |
Frank | Meek (FL) | Watson (CA) |
Frelinghuysen | Meeks (NY) | Watt (NC) |
Frost | Menendez | Waxman |
Ganske | Millender-McDonald | Weiner |
Gephardt | Miller, George | Weldon (PA) |
Gilchrest | Mink | Wexler |
Gilman | Moore | Wolf |
Gonzalez | Moran (VA) | Woolsey |
Gordon | Morella | Wu |
Graham | Nadler | Wynn |
| ||
Aderholt | Goss | Pence |
Akin | Granger | Peterson (MN) |
Armey | Graves | Peterson (PA) |
Bachus | Green (WI) | Pickering |
Baker | Gutknecht | Pitts |
Ballenger | Hall (TX) | Pombo |
Barcia | Hansen | Portman |
Barr | Hart | Pryce (OH) |
Bartlett | Hastert | Putnam |
Barton | Hastings (WA) | Radanovich |
Biggert | Hayes | Rahall |
Bilirakis | Hayworth | Regula |
Blunt | Herger | Rehberg |
Boehner | Hilleary | Reynolds |
Bonilla | Hilliard | Rogers (KY) |
Boozman | Hobson | Rogers (MI) |
Boucher | Hoekstra | Rohrabacher |
Brown (SC) | Hostettler | Royce |
Bryant | Hulshof | Ryan (WI) |
Burr | Hunter | Ryun (KS) |
Burton | Hyde | Saxton |
Buyer | Isakson | Schaffer |
Callahan | Issa | Schrock |
Calvert | Istook | Scott |
Camp | Jenkins | Sensenbrenner |
Cannon | Johnson, Sam | Sessions |
Cantor | Jones (NC) | Shadegg |
Chabot | Keller | Shaw |
Chambliss | Kelly | Sherwood |
Coble | Kennedy (MN) | Shimkus |
Collins | Kerns | Shows |
Combest | King (NY) | Shuster |
Cooksey | Kingston | Simpson |
Cox | Knollenberg | Skeen |
Crane | Kolbe | Smith (NJ) |
Crenshaw | LaHood | Smith (TX) |
Culberson | Largent | Souder |
Cunningham | Latham | Stearns |
Davis, Jo Ann | Lewis (CA) | Stump |
Davis, Tom | Lewis (KY) | Sununu |
Deal | Linder | Sweeney |
DeLay | Lipinski | Tancredo |
DeMint | Lucas (OK) | Tauzin |
Diaz-Balart | Manzullo | Taylor (NC) |
Doolittle | McCrery | Terry |
Dreier | McInnis | Thomas |
Duncan | McKeon | Thompson (MS) |
Dunn | Mica | Thornberry |
Ehlers | Miller, Dan | Tiahrt |
Ehrlich | Miller, Gary | Tiberi |
Emerson | Miller, Jeff | Toomey |
English | Mollohan | Vitter |
Everett | Moran (KS) | Walden |
Flake | Murtha | Watkins (OK) |
Fletcher | Myrick | Watts (OK) |
Forbes | Nethercutt | Weldon (FL) |
Fossella | Ney | Weller |
Gallegly | Northup | Whitfield |
Gekas | Norwood | Wicker |
Gibbons | Nussle | Wilson (NM) |
Gillmor | Otter | Wilson (SC) |
Goode | Oxley | Young (AK) |
Goodlatte | Paul | Young (FL) |
| ||
Brady (TX) | Hefley | Roukema |
Cubin | Riley | Traficant |
Those who SWITCHED must be identified. Who are they? Did they inform their constituency that they were switching?
Condit...His fate is already sealed.. voted out of office(I am hoping)
Weldon? Curt Weldon.. What happened to him?
Gads, you'd think at least these two Pubbies had more common sense to vote against this bill. Pressure is now needed to wake these pubbies up into reality of what a True Republican is!
Way to go Richard Pombo!
Methinks the dems will rue this day. Doesn't the president have to sign this to make it law? Boy, Rush is HOT!
Methinks the dems will rue this day. Doesn't the president have to sign this to make it law? Boy, Rush is HOT!