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To: Cyber-Band; M. Thatcher; holdonnow
"Gallup Stunner: Majority of Americans Hold Osama bil Clinton Responsible for Corporate Corruption!!"

The Truth is gettin' to the Sheeple...somehow or another.


360 posted on 07/08/2002 7:31:39 AM PDT by Mudboy Slim
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To: Common Tator; mommadooo3; Samizdat; sultan88; jla; Landru
"Clinton-Phobia Contributes to Bush's Sliding Poll Numbers!!

C.T.: "Clinton went out of office more popular than he was the day he took office. His approval numbers were great on the day he left office. Clinton knew he could get away with the pardons... and he did."

MUD: These days, 51% of the American populace hold Clinton responsible for the present exposure of Corporate Corruption...seems like Slick Willie's hold on the Ignorant Masses is slippin' a tad.

C.T.: "Bush did not get 50 percent of the vote. He and Gore tied in the popular vote. If Gore was 1/10 as likeable as Clinton, Gore would be President. If Clinton could have run again, he would have beat Dubya worse than he beat Dubya's Dad."

MUD: Sorry, my wise FRiend, but we shall never agree on that...folks had tired of BillzaBubba and were glad to have an election wherein he wasn't a factor. Dubyuh would whup Slick's corrupt butt in a head-to-head battle today, next November, or in 2004...William Jefferson Blythe Clinton is about as useful these days as a used condom!!

C.T.: "If Bush were stupid enough to go after Clinton he would be impeached."

MUD: HorseHockey then, HorseHockey NOW!!

C.T.: "The media and public outcry would be so great, that even Nichols would vote to impeach Dubya."

MUD: Balderdash!! The Media has been exposed as the corrupt foundation on which the RATS have built their power, and folks are wiser than you give them credit for in seeing through the continuing deception.

C.T.: "The first rule is politics is to never ever lie to yourself. Bill Clinton is still popular with the public. They know he is a crook, and they don't care. Any other interpretations is a lie to yourself."

MUD: At one time, you may have been right, but now that the Sheeple see Clinton as responsible for the corruption that led to the stock market slide, they realize that "Character Does Matter!!"

C.T.: "Attacking Dubya for not attacking Bill, will just make Hillary president. I suspect that is your secret wish."

MUD: Hah!! I know you weren't alking to me with that slander, but asking that Ashcroft's DoJ uphold the Law and prosecute the Guilty will not benefit the HildaBeast in the least. If you believe that, you, sir, are a victim of Lefty spin.

C.T.: "The only thing that may keep Hillary from being our next president is the public does not like Hillary as much as they like Bill. But if we can tear Dubya down enough, Hillary can be the first woman president in 2004."

MUD: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA...still think so, sir?

C.T.: "Get it throught your heads. The public likes Bill Clinton. They will punish anyone who attacks him. When you attack Dubya you are answering Hillary's is prayers. Hillary and Bill appreciate your efforts to take Dubya down!"

MUD: Yer simply WRONG, Mr. Tator...a spirited War on the playing field of Guv'ment Ethics may harm both parties, but the primary victim shall be the RATS in general and the Klintoons in particular.

91 Posted on 07/02/2001 17:07:33 PDT by Common Tator

md3: "Mr. Bush needs to come to grips with the fact that his own reputation of being an upright/decent prez is on the line. Like it or not, if he refuses to take the legal steps against klintler, he's basically throwing his hand in with him." C.T.: "Do you really believe that any Jury in Washington D.C. would convict Bill Clinton of anything? Clinton could murder the judge in front of the Jury and a D.C. Jury would rule that the judge had it comming for asking Clinton to rise when he entered the court room."

MUD: No one said the criminal charges against Der SchleekMeister have to be brought in DeeCee...Slick Willie's has committed crimes against every State and Locality in this Nation, and we ought to try him wherever and whenever possible!!

C.T.: "Indicting Bill Cinton and then having a Jury find him not guilty would grant Clinton total vindication. No one who has spent more than a day in Washinton D.C. could believe that a D.C. jury would convict him of anything. Knowing that, you are guilty of doing your level best to ease Hillary's path to the White House. You want Clinton tried. That can only result in Clinton being found totally innocent. That would be a major boon to Hillary and Bill."

MUD: See above...Clinton shall NEVER be vindicated!! His Legacy shall forever be corruption and TREASON, plain and simple!!

C.T.: "When Hillary is sworn in as president you can certainly claim credit. It must make you feel good attacking Dubya for not following a path that would have Clinton found totally innocent by a jury."

MUD: Wow, Mr. Tator, yer transfixed on this "HildaBeast Boogeyman," and she's got about as much chance of being elected POTUS as Ralph Nader. Hopefully, you have come around to a more reasonable and defensible position as your political awareness has matured.

92 Posted on 07/02/2001 17:29:07 PDT by Common Tator

Just over one year ago, my FRiend, do you still feel as dis-spirited vis a vis Justice fer Clinton?! FReegards...MUD

361 posted on 07/08/2002 10:50:48 AM PDT by Mudboy Slim
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