Well, for the record, I'm Chinese. I was racially harassed at school, day in, day out, for years. I was called Jap, Chink, Flip, among other epithets. I was threatened with violence. Did the school help? No! Racism was and is illegal, but that didn't stop harassment from happening.
While this socialization experiment was not pleasant, indeed hostile, I survived the experience and managed to get a decent education. It made me a better person because I treat people the way I want to be treated. I would never treat anyone in such a shameful way.
The NEA was no help then, and I think these policies will only make matters worse. It is the unpleasant experiences that toughen us up to deal with life. Let's face it, life is not utopia for anybody. This is called living in the School of Hard Knocks.
Schools would be better off just teaching the Golden Rule and leaving it at that.