First of all no Catholic prays to the goddess Mary. If youre going to make ignorant statements at least identify yourself Hillary. Catholics only pray to God. We adore Mary like you would look fondly on a picture of your mother. We ask her to be our mediator in our prayers occasionally because we suppose she is a tad closer to her Son than are we. Secondly, the Catholic Churchs teaching on infallibility is only applicable to the pontiff when, in conjunction with the Magisterium (the conference of Bishops), they issue a teaching on faith or morals. The Church is depressed by the culture of death and part of linking the death penalty with abortion and euthanasia is not only consistent doctrinally it puts the leftist whackos in their own moral dilemma. Its the reverse of what we may think. Golly-gee if I oppose putting a serial murderer to death because death is bad then I guess that killing innocent, defenseless babies must be bad too
a reach in logic for the left but worth a shot. Thirdly, an encyclical is just a Papal letter. It has no binding authority doctrinally. Doctrinal changes are normally made only at Church councils which on average occur centuries apart. Encyclicals are the personal published wisdom of the current Pope, and are opinion influenced by faith and reason. Apparently, the Rome haters protest too much when they react to the opinion of the Pope so violently but dont get too excited when their own series of preachers slide off the straight and narrow. By the way Bob Locke, who do you think assembled the bible?
First of all no Catholic prays to the goddess Mary. ... Catholics only pray to God. ... We ask her to be our mediator in our prayers occasionally because we suppose she is a tad closer to her Son than are we. The RCC's continued and ardent desire to have a female goddess (as the other pagan religions do) is reflected in the international Catholic movement Vox Populi Mariae Mediatrici, which is seeking to encourage the papal definition of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix of all graces, and Advocate.
I can well understand your embarassment at such foolish (and likely soon-to-be-'infallible') 'additions' to the Gospel of the Bible. But it is the natural consequence of allowing men to create their own religion and then call it 'infallible'.
Mary was a good woman who was used by God (as, in other ways, we all can be). She died and, hopefully, went to Heaven. (Since, BTW, God doesn't know anything of a 'purgatory' or 'penances' or 'rosaries' or other (readily purchasable) bargaining chips and devices created by the RCC. God recognizes those who accept His Son and no others.) End of (His)Story.