I agree with you here, this "arrogance" argument is complete crapola. I like your analogy of Bill Gates, and NO they wouldn't tolerate the murder under these circumstances. But these same leftists who would decry a murder in that situation, somehow can justify acts of violence by someone or some group they see as an "oppressed minority". It's always been my experience that behind EVERY leftist is an ELETIST. Behavior they wouldn't tolerate from a group of white people , they'll justify from anyone else because in the liberal mind, "They just can't help themselves, so we can't expect them to follow the norms of civilized behavior." This is why they're liberals, they see themselves as superior, and it's their job to lift others out of the pathetic state they're in.
As an aside, IMO, this is why they have such a special hatred for someone like Clarence Thomas. He represents the minority who DOESN'T NEED liberalism to boost him up.
A similar point was made in the latest issue of ISIS, the e-zine for what liberals call Ithaca's "fascist underground":
That childish demand of saying "Sorry" and abolishing bad behavior has become derigueur in our society. And even if the perpetrator of nastiness does not say it themself, there is a wide coalition of people who are ready to jump in and apologize for them. For instance.... Fly a plane or two into the World Trade buildings? Well, I'm sure they had a good reason. Why, America must have done something to goad them into it. After all, we are the world's big bully.
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