We Protestants have many failings, some of which you reference above. Sometimes, the catalog is enough to make me think the Reformation has failed, or worse, was a mistake to begin with.
But please do accept, from a friend who prays for the Church at least weekly, that this story "has legs" because it contains elements of unpleasant truth about the Church AND raises questions about the source of authority in Christ's church, which has been a problem in the West since at least 1054.
OF COURSE priests who are pedophiles do not commit these crimes because they are denied marriage to women. But it seems to me that, since the general increase in sexual acting out that we are living with began in the 1960s, that priests who "act out" in a healthy and life-affirming way (I.e., who seek marriage) are shunned; and that the remnant must of necessity have an increased proportion of men whose sexuality is not healthy and life-affirming.
This is not Catholic bashing, it's math. If the exercise of healthy heterosexuality becomes the principal disqualifier for priests, the result is that you get more unhealthiness.
And I do agree that more sexual continence would be good for the world and good for the Church-but fifty pedophile priests sheltering in the Boston archdiocese is really too much-and should be a sign that something (other than Catholic bashing) is seriously amiss.