Can you find this?FromFrom the Senate of the United States: While we devoutly join you in offering our thanks to Almighty God for the return to health of our cities, and for the general prosperity of our county; we cannot refrain from lamenting that the arts and calumnies of factious and designing men, have excited open rebellion a second time in Pennsylvania, and thereby compelled the employment of a military force to aid the civil authority in the execution of the laws. We rejoice that your vigilance, energy and well timed exertions, have crushed so daring an opposition, and prevented the spreading of such treasonable combinations.
To me, it is absolutely fantastic that knowledge can be so readily accessed by any means!
Huck, I apologize for my irritation at you for first shading this story with doubt; but you are such a help in the research of the truth! Thank you!
and "naval officer" for ARMY officer
Has the case for the Relief of Susan Decatur been ruled out as the naval officers widow?
It does appear to fit the description. Although, I can't find a recorded speech by Crockett, there is a great one given by a Mr. Chilton on pages 3818 - 3821.