Sadly, most parents REFUSE to see the inherent problems with their own local schools because it makes it easier for them to continue with their own pursuits instead of having to worry about what's best for their children.
Do an on-line search for ANYTHING written by John Taylor Gatto. He was a New York state teacher of the year and speaks from experience about what is happening in our public indoctrination centers...err....schools. Also, anything by Charlotte Iserbyt is highly recommended for those seeking the truth about why the schools were designed the way they were. It is social engineering at its finest and most people simply refuse to see.
See our web site at Wilson County Parents and click on the Recommended Reading link on the left for books by both authors. We own everything on the list and use them constantly for reference while trying to educate other parents and prospective parents about the dangers of public schooling.
So far, I see the need to get the laws changed that don't allow a family to teach any additional kids, and that sucks, for the child whose parents can't read or solve math problems etc.
We have the largest number of Charter Schools in Arizona, but one must be careful in choosing. Some of those school train the teacher in Calif. in the study of Theosophy and Anthroposophy and it's some weird, whacky stuff, johnny! Do a search and prepare to be alarmed.