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I saw something on another thread which reminded me of this article ("a 21-year-old lesbian is not interested in the same things as a 50- year-old gay man").
1 posted on 01/12/2002 5:30:53 PM PST by xm177e2
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To: xm177e2
Lesbian aren't gay? Ever seen a happy feminist?
2 posted on 01/12/2002 5:34:54 PM PST by Doctor Raoul
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To: xm177e2
I suspect that, with some exceptions, a lot of lesbians are just political lesbians. I know at least one instance personally. Which is to say they choose their lifestyle for political reasons or because it's feminist and fashionable. Whereas, whether for reasons of nature or nurture, most or perhaps all homosexuals can't help being homosexual. It may be possible for them to change, with intensive counseling, but it's not easy.
3 posted on 01/12/2002 5:42:20 PM PST by Cicero
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To: xm177e2
extremely interesting article.

"Anecdotal evidence about lesbian moms frustrated by gun-loving sons and Barbie-loving daughters supports this."

I'd just love to see a pair of man-hating lesbians get dashed against the Laws of Nature by falling in love with a darling little boy that naturally and unavoidably develops into EVERYTHING they are supposed to hate in men.

Not that they should be allowed to GET that kid in the first place, mind you, but if they are going to flip Nature the middle finger, nice to see it get lopped off. :)

4 posted on 01/12/2002 6:17:00 PM PST by Claud
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To: xm177e2
(Romans 1:20-27 NKJV) For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, {21} because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. {22} Professing to be wise, they became fools, {23} and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man; and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. {24} Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, {25} who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

{26} For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. {27} Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

5 posted on 01/12/2002 7:29:29 PM PST by Delta-Boudreaux
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To: xm177e2
So the term to be changed is "gay". Call it what it is, "perverted" or "queer". The it covers all the baseless.
6 posted on 01/12/2002 7:41:10 PM PST by RedBloodedAmerican
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To: xm177e2
The term gays has changed over the years. In the 60s some lesbians described themselves as gay.

"Has anyone yet deciphered a Unified Field Theory that would explain all of these complex patterns? Not that I'm aware of, but we can't begin to look for one without laying out all the facts first. " I have, in other places, but it evokes serious antagonism.

8 posted on 01/12/2002 7:47:45 PM PST by RLK
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To: xm177e2
In army, gays go into medical corps

AW, F***!

9 posted on 01/12/2002 7:52:04 PM PST by Pistias
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To: xm177e2
Whether portraying homosexuals as perverts in the past or as victims today, the press has always found it less taxing to preach morality rather than to try to understand reality.

Hear! Hear!

I remember this article. It created a bit of a stir as I recall. It's well done. The categorical comparisons are fascinating.

12 posted on 01/12/2002 10:00:48 PM PST by beckett
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To: xm177e2
I can't remember reading an article that made me laugh so hard while hammering home so many truths! Good post!
13 posted on 01/14/2002 6:58:33 AM PST by FormerLib
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To: *Homosexual Agenda
14 posted on 01/14/2002 7:00:07 AM PST by FormerLib
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To: xm177e2
In contrast, pre-menopausal straight women and gay men typically find golf pointless. For example, despite incessant socialization toward golf, only one out of nine wives of PGA touring pros plays golf herself! And gay male golf fanatics are so rare that it's difficult to even come up with an exception that proves this rule (which might explain why golfers wear those god-awful pants).

Interesting article, but some of the premises and generalizations - like the one I quoted - are just silly (I say that as a premenopausal straight woman who avidly plays golf both with my husband and with my straight female friends). Nowadays, only Jesper Parnevik still wears goofy-looking pants - the rest of the PGA tour seems to prefer Dockers.

16 posted on 01/14/2002 7:23:53 AM PST by mountaineer
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To: *BRAAD;ArGee;JMJ333; EODGUY; proud2bRC; abandon; Khepera; Dakmar; RichInOC;RebelDawg; Fiddlstix...
Fodder or Mudder
18 posted on 01/14/2002 9:36:18 AM PST by Khepera
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To: xm177e2; *BRAAD
A more worldly awareness of those enduring likes and dislikes that tend to correlate with sexual orientation, and which so often manifest themselves early in childhood, could quite frequently allow the parents of children who turn out to be homosexual to have already spent years slowly getting used to the likelihood that this child won't ever make them grandparents, but can still make them proud and happy in many other ways.

Or, maybe even get the child therapy before the damage is permanently done.

I remember reading an article in Wired magazine. It was the first and last article I ever read in that magazine. The article was about on-line porn and discussed the lives of teh people who would pose for the camera and try to get the poor schmuck on the other end of the phone to cough up as much cash for the fantasy as possible rather than helping them get help. The article was completly neutral in tone - even when discussing the fact that all the "employees" had to do drugs to be able to live with themselves.

Here was a "profession" that forced its practitioners to use drugs so they could survive the humiliation, and the author couldn't even condemn that aspect of what he/she was covering.

It all goes to show what a sickness our current sexual society suffers from. And it is time to stop accepting our sickness and pray for a move of G-d to heal.


19 posted on 01/14/2002 9:57:20 AM PST by ArGee
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To: xm177e2;khepera
Homophobes: A person with an irrational fear of a homosexual...

I'm not afraid of them, are you?

20 posted on 01/14/2002 10:01:05 AM PST by wwjdn
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To: xm177e2
gay men not political?

the whole gay male column describes tom d'@$$hole to a 't', except for that!

24 posted on 01/14/2002 4:57:28 PM PST by rockfish59
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To: xm177e2
Let me just say that I firmly believe in reverse stereotyping. Why? Because I am a single, softball-volleyball-golf playing heterosexual, and because of various aspects of the lesbian culture, I have to deal with their stereotypes in my life.
28 posted on 01/16/2002 3:42:23 PM PST by rintense
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