Sure sounds like the "superb" Mrs. Gramm just sat on her ass collecting Board fees though, doesn't it? She's either incompetent or lazy from the looks of it, having apparently done nothing to protect shareholders or warning of accounting scams within the company. She IS on the Audit Subcommittee, isn't she?
Maybe she's not incompetent or lazy. Maybe she's corrupt. We'll see.
Republicans need to take the blinders off. Politicians are politicians - these parasites ALL want to acquire power, run your life and steal your money. Which, by the way, is the "mother's milk of politics", according to Wendy Gramm's husband.
Citigroup lent Enron 3 billion. Do you think they relied on Mrs. Gramm's due diligence ? I have helped clients with loans of 3 million where the banks send in their own auditors.
About the only thing possible that she could be held neglient for is if she ignored a warning from someone at the accounting firm or at the company.
This sort of reminds me of the current President being on the board of a certain company and on a committee involved with finances of the firm; and how certain stocks were sold just before the old proverbial stuff hit the fan!