"That was the terrible teaching of birth control, which Marxism preached and the bourgeois followed. No one dared stand against it. That was the doctrine that made us what we are today: a dying people, in which fewer children are born each year, in which today more people die each year than are born. This all was supposed to lead to a happy future. It understood happiness only in terms of possessions. It was therefore inherently false. But even in its own terms it was false, for it forgot something: When a people begins to die, when a people no longer obeys the laws of life, which a people values money more than its existence and posterity, this people is on the path to disaster, both historically and politically."
-- is it Pat, or is it (no)MEMOR(y)EX???
Makes no difference the source of your quote in # 113. If it is true, it is true. AND THE QUOTE IS TRUE, although Marx was merely ONE of the anti-natalists; the other, in his own perverse way, liked Margaret Sanger for her wacky-assed 'eugenics;' hint: he led the Third Reich. Hitler, Marx--all killers at heart.
Not the case with PJB, who is as pro-life as God.