I see this article as a warning to avoid porn, rather than a call for a War On Porn...
> Porn sir, is not the problem. The problem is your personal inability to separate fact from fiction and your own willingness to allow your weaknesses to run your life. Blaming the product for your inadequecies will not make you a better person.
It doesn't seem he is blaming porn as much as telling guys they would be better served to stay away from it...
> Many more people are quite capable of enjoying porn when and where it is appropriate with no undue effects.
When is that? When you are single and lonely or when your wife is no longer sexually attractive to you?
> Now, you will have to excuse me, Ron Jeremey, Rodney Moore, and a few girls just came over for some coffee.
Better be sure to carefully wash the coffee cups and teaspoons wearing latex gloves afterwards.