Very......strange/tough/worrisome times these are. :(
While I fully support the inclusion of the PRC as a Terrorist State and a re-linking of PNTR to the PRC's Human Rights Record, to lay this at the feet of Dubyuh is PURE LEFTIST PROPOGANDA!!
We know for a fact that William Jefferson Blythe Clinton is The Anti-American Traitor who Committed TREASON in selling our Top-Secret Nuclear Technology to the Chi-Coms...we have no such evidence that Bush has done anything of the sort, but that doesn't stop the Lib'ral TROLLS from spreading their disinformation and innuendo.
Make note of the Screen Names and save that knowledge for later use.
Indeed they are ! Especially when I find that certain people of a certain ilk ( FR posters included) that refuse to open their minds to the possiblity of certain foreign countries that "they favor " would be working against us ( America) for their own agenda. Need I say more ???