I know very few AIDS-positive folks who don't also have Hep-C. Were they promiscuous sorts, I might be suspicious. They aren't ... not since the late-60's, anyway.
And those who've resisted longest the temptation to become lab rats at Charity are still alive, fwiw. All of those who clutched at AZT are long gone.
(What that portends for pregnant mothers in South Africa who are urged (or is it required?) to take AZT as a preventative measure "for their children" means, I hate to wonder.)
I suppose my observating over the years how many of my friends were used as willing human experimentation subjects -- much less the money your average pharma will blow at a medical convention -- has sort of soured me even further on those corporations whose primary profit is made in the realm of sexually transmitted disease and all things pertaining thereto ... including the roping in of EVERY infant for a preventative vaccine.
Hmmm. Interesting. Couldn't find ANYTHING about the make up of this group other than who the top two people are -- and ain't neither one of them doctors, scientist, researchers, nurses, bandaide keepers or anything else like that as far as I can tell. It does not look as though they have done any independent research, studies, investigations, etc, but rather depend on secondhand, thirdhand and fourthhand reports.
Look, I'm not trying to say that this group has no credibility. I'm simply saying that if you and all the "vacines ruined my kid" folks are going to use such sites for your "proof," you really need to question them with the same skepticismyou apply to CDC et. al. My experience has been that people go shopping until they find info that supports their preconceived notions and devine upon that site unquestionable authority. I think if you DID apply such skepticism you would find serious flaws.