That's what makes for much of the difference of opinion because in some parts of the country, people see a very few illegals and all are working. There are high concentrations in other areas, often in areas of very high unemployment where there are no jobs for citizens or illegals but still they come and concentrate in those areas. There is nothing at all requiring them to even move to areas where their labor is needed.
Just like our so-called leaders and politicians. These politicians that make the decisions live in guarded, secure, and super nice clean communities, that price the average American and the illegals out.
Its just like the Southern California area. Everyone thinks its a third world, and some parts are. However, there is tons and tons of money in Southern California which have built extremely tall financial fences.
There are many areas in Southern California where the third worlders and illegals are completely locked out due to these tall financial fences. Large areas of $300,000 homes and *UP* do an excellent job of keeping the average American and the millions of illegal out. Huge areas of million PLUS dollar homes are common place.
The politicians live in these very nice areas, so they don't give a damn about you or your daughters and grandkids. You see the politicians and our so called leaders are protected in their super nice areas that are protected by those very tall financial fences.
*THEIR* daughters, sons and grandkids wont have to worry about mixing it up with, and living down among the millions of illegals aliens like many rank and file Americans have to.
The politicians and our so-called leaders don't give a damn about you or me. Their big decision is what to wear to the next luncheon or TV interview, or deciding which party to go to tonight. Its a sellout for votes, money etc. They don't give a damn about the average American and this is painfully obvious.