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Drudge Report ^
| 01/02/2002
| Matt Drudge
Posted on 01/02/2002 7:00:39 AM PST by Pokey78
The New Year is just minutes old and now comes Pat Buchanan to warn: The Death of the West!
In his ultracontroversial book, which will be banned, blocked and burned in many quarters, brave Buchanan contends that the U.S. will be a Third World nation by the year 2050.
The BestSellingAuthorTVHostPresidentialCandidateColumnist predicts Europe will be inundated by an Islamic-Arab-African invasion and most First World nations, including Japan, will have begun slowly to vanish from the earth.
Buchanan is primed and ready for a media blitz behind DEATH OF THE WEST [ranked #492 on AMAZON's hourly sales chart Wednesday morning], set for release from DUNNE.
Buchanan will light the bonfire on NBC's TODAY show this Friday, according to a network source.
But the DRUDGE REPORT can once again bring you the first sneak.
Relying upon the most recent UN population studies, Buchanan declares:
By 2050, only 10% of the worlds people will be of European descent. One third of Europes people will be over 60, and one-in-ten over 80. Involuntary euthanasia has already come to Europe.
Between now and 2050, Asia, Africa, and Latin America will grow by three to four billion people -- 30 to 40 new Mexicos! -- as Europe will lose the equivalent of the entire population of Germany, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland.
By 2050, 23 million Germans will have disappeared along with 16 million Italians and 30 million Russians.
Russia will lose Siberia and the far east to China and be pushed out of the Caucuses and Central Asia, where Islamic populations are exploding while Russias is dying.
Either Europe must effect a radical cutback in pensions and health care for seniors, or Europe must import scores of millions of Arabs and Africans to care for the elderly and pay the taxes to sustain their welfare states.
The 4.2 million Palestinians in Israel and on the West Bank and Gaza will explode to 9 million by 2025, and 15 million by 2050, when Palestinians will outnumber Israels Jewish population two-to-one.
Americas Dual Containment policy in the Persian Gulf seems unsustainable. In less than 25 years, Iraq will have 42 million people and Iran 94 million people, more than any European nation except Russia.
The Islamic invasions of Spain and France in the eighth century, and of the Balkans and Central Europe from the 14th to the 17th centuries, will be reenacted in the lifetime of most of those now living. Islam has already surpassed Catholicism as the largest religion on earth.
It is the Christian nations -- Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox -- that have begun to die. In a chapter titled, Where Have All the Children Gone? Buchanan explains why, and why it is unlikely the West can solve the demographic crisis before it leads to The Death of the West.
In his chapter La Reconquista, Buchanan contends that an invasion of the United States is taking place and that America now harbors a nation within a nation.
There are 30 million foreign born in the U.S. today, and between 9 and 11 million illegal aliens, or as many undocumented aliens in the U.S. as there are people in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut.
Mexico is exporting its poor and unemployed for U.S. taxpayers to employ and educate. Radical and militant Hispanics and Mexican leaders alike believe this will lead to the cultural and demographic recapture of the Southwest from America, reversing the results of The Mexican War.
By supporting open borders, the GOP is committing suicide. First-time Hispanic voters chose Clinton 15-1 over Dole. Of the seven major immigration states -- Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, Texas and Florida -- Mr. Bush lost five, and perhaps six. Of the 10 states with the smallest share of immigrants, Bush won all 10.
European-Americans are a minority in Americas most populous state, California, and by 2004, will be a minority in Texas.
The political agenda of California Hispanics includes race welfare for illegal aliens, racial preferences, bilingual education, open borders, dual citizenship, Cinqo de Mayo as a California holiday, and, in one case, replacing a statue of an American hero of the Mexican War with the Aztec god Quetzacoatl.
White Americans are fleeing California at the rate of 100,000 a year.
MeCHA, the student organization that claims chapters on hundreds of campuses has a program that reads like a Mexican version of the agenda of the white-supremacist Aryan Nation.
In 2001, an Office for Mexicans Abroad in Mexico was providing survival kits with everything from dried meat to anti-diarrhea pills to condoms to Mexicans setting off to break in to the United States .
As of 2000, there were 8.4 million foreign born in California, as many foreign born as there are people in New Jersey, a primary cause of the state energy and schools crisis.
Among Third World immigrants, poverty rates and incarceration rates are double and triple what they are among native-born Americans.
Shooting up the flares and waving the flag, Buchanan argues that the 1960s counter-culture has become Americas dominant culture, and the iconoclasts of that counter-culture are systematically demolishing Americas history and heritage.
Under Political Correctness, Americas greatest heroes -- soldiers, explorers and statesmen from Columbus to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson -- are under savage attack as genocidal racists and exploiters of indigenous peoples.
The history books of American public schools are being rewritten with the old heroes ignored or trashed and Western civilization disparaged and demeaned.
When Mel Gibsons film, The Patriot, came out in 2000, it was savagely attacked for presenting black Americans as fighting patriots in the Revolutionary War.
With the assault on Confederate books, symbols, flags, heroes, and holidays almost complete, the attack is now proceeding against the Puritan fathers, soldiers who fought in The Mexican War, and, in New Jersey, even against the Declaration of Independence itself.
In some school districts, Mark Twain, Flannery OConnor, and any realistic portrayal of the America South, including Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird, are now forbidden.
Even the great museums on Americas Mall, to introduce school children to the greatness and glory of Americas past, are being used to indoctrinate children in how wicked and evil our forefathers were.
In his chapter, The De-Christianization of America, Buchanan argues that the death of the Christian faith in Western countries is a primary cause of their dying populations. Whenever faith dies, the people die. A new atheistic civilization is arising, he argues, and is using its dominance of the culture and the courts to drive Christianity out of the temples of our civilization.
Secular Humanism, widely mocked and disparaged, a few decades ago, is now the dominant faith of the nations cultural elites. The moral tenets of humanism are replacing those of Christianity in our public life.
Even Christian churches are rewriting their hymnals to make them acceptable to the dominant culture.
Anti-Catholic films and filthy and blasphemous anti-Christian art are the deliberate insults of a triumphant pagan and secularist faith.
The book's publication was delayed after September terror.
TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: charliereese; lewrockwelldotcom; pitchforkpat
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You don't get it. In multiculturalism, only American culture and language is a bad thing. Bingo! Multiculturalism as practiced and taught in our schools, denigrates every aspect of America's heritage, customs and history. Kids coming out of our schools today are in many cases completely unaware of Americas true history. Rather, they are victims of the Marxists who teach fictional history. A history that the most free and compassionate nation on earth and THE leader of human rights around the world is really a country run by evil European ethnics that want to oppress people just because they are mean. The Marxists in our schools have to be fretted out and throw out to the street where they belong.
posted on
01/02/2002 10:36:49 AM PST
To: Thorin
Of course, these days inconvenient facts are deemed "racist," so maybe this is what you mean. No, that was not what I meant; however, I wonder how if you reading Buchanan's book carefully because you have misunderstood my maybe you are misunderstanding his...ummm?
To: nomasmojarras
President Bush will have to STAND with us against this outright invasion. Most likely he will leave this to his successor(s).
To: lawdog
""I don't believe Bush 2000 lives in California where one can see the real results of the great "immigration plan" in action. Please take a look at the schools, hospitals and jails, now there is a real immigration legacy.I could go on but I don't want to be labled a "racist".""
I don't give a hang what anyone calls me. Truth is truth, and facts are facts. Any freeper who lives outside California, and questions my veracity, Send me a private reply, and I will arrange for a private tour.
To: Bush2000
punitive tariffs (which would be met by other countries)
He suggested a 15% tarriff. If that is punitive, then what do you call the income tax? Other countries already charge the same tarriffs we do now; that is the whole idea behind trade deals and GATT.
posted on
01/02/2002 10:38:11 AM PST
To: HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
I also know that Pat is right because every civilization in history goes through the same stages from rise to fall.
The changes we have experienced show that Western civilization is on the decline.
To be sure, Western civilization may now and then seem to be returning to the values that made it great--but such moments will be brief and soon replaced by a return to decline.
Civilizations don't always fall straight-down, splat; civilizations sometimes take their time about falling, fluttering downward like a falling leaf, sometimes appearing to rise--only to again reverse course and continue downward.
Rome rose and fell--though its fall spanned several centuries.
For a generation, the Rome of Cato again rose to greatness--but only for a generation, after which Romes decline continued.
To: lawdog
Ah, my friend has smelled something in the "Immigration Act". I believe it was 1965, look closely and you may find Teddie Kennedy (?). Need I say more.I think you'll find that back in 1965, democrats held the Presidency, the Senate, and probably the House.
Which I believe explains the 1965 Immigration Act.
To: 11th Earl of Mar
Its a well known fact that thousands of farmers have lost their homes and land over many years. If you don't know that, you haven't been paying attention. I leveled a 'charge'. If you want to try to disprove it, feel free. I don't feel the need to defend myself against someone who states he hasn't read a book (your post #241), but still feels qualified to critique it.
To: Blade
Interestingly, most people are racist to some degree. People who would rather not associate with those of like kind are very few indeed. It is obviously a natural tendency to prefer the company of those similar to ourselves, whether those similarities are from skin color, language, or even style of dress. The trick is to realize those natural biases and still treat all with human kindness and fair play. However, the realities of American balkanization through unwise immigration policies and lack of assimilation are ignored at our country's peril.
To: Blade
Interestingly, most people are racist to some degree. People who would rather not associate with those of like kind are very few indeed. It is obviously a natural tendency to prefer the company of those similar to ourselves, whether those similarities are from skin color, language, or even style of dress. The trick is to realize those natural biases and still treat all with human kindness and fair play. However, the realities of American balkanization through unwise immigration policies and lack of assimilation are ignored at our country's peril.
Comment #451 Removed by Moderator
To: WRhine
Kids coming out of our schools today are in many cases completely unaware of Americas true historyYou bet, and they are not only unaware of America's true history, they are made to feel guilty about it. And these socialist, anti American public school teachers are walking point in the destruction of this nation. We have seen it close up.
Comment #453 Removed by Moderator
To: nomasmojarras
The way we are gathering and arguing/discussing reminds me of pre-communist Russia.
The atmosphere of our country at this very moment resembles very much pre-revolutionary China.
This scares me to death. Don't worry, there won't be a revolution in America. Our government will see to that. ;^)
To: Cyber Liberty
OK. I'll bite. Is this ocurring with Bush (Either HW or W)? You're making a pretty serious charge, so I assume you'll provide us with some kind of documentation backing up your leftist, "big-oil" accusation. What charge? You obviously do not read well and you seem to spit ignorant accusations without thinking.
Someone made a statement that was not denied only declared irrelevant. I simply pointed to the fact that if the statement remains undisputed, it is highly relevant.
posted on
01/02/2002 10:44:07 AM PST
To: Neurogenic Weapon
Good post. lol!
To: Blade
Interestingly, most people are racist to some degree. People who would rather not associate with those of like kind are very few indeed. It is obviously a natural tendency to prefer the company of those similar to ourselves, whether those similarities are from skin color, language, or even style of dress. The trick is to realize those natural biases and still treat all with human kindness and fair play. However, the realities of American balkanization through unwise immigration policies and lack of assimilation are ignored at our country's peril.
To: TopDog2
I don't think the problem is that they don't want to to learn English, the problem is that they don't have to. Hear, hear!
To: ResistorSister
I believe you were already convinced that Pat was right. I don't believe that my post helped you at all; but, thanks for letting me know.Even in science, proof is empirical.
Everytime the same results are observed, the surer the theory.
To: Pokey78
In his chapter, The De-Christianization of America, Buchanan argues that the death of the Christian faith in Western countries is a primary cause of their dying populations. Whenever faith dies, the people die. A new atheistic civilization is arising, he argues, and is using its dominance of the culture and the courts to drive Christianity out of the temples of our civilization. He's running both hot and cold here - he condemns the immigrants for not sharing Western culture (even though most of them are Christian and even more devout Christians than many native-born people) but then turns around and declares that the West is losing its faith.
If people looked around in any Catholic Church during Mass- many of you would note the significant number of non-white, mainly immigrant faces. Around here I note the increasing number of Korean-Baptist or Chinese-Baptist or Vietnamese-Baptist churches in this area.
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