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Ann Coulter on CSPAN Now!
self ^
| 12/29/01 9:00 pm PST
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Posted on 12/29/2001 8:10:31 PM PST by tbeatty
Chomsky off. Coulter on.
TOPICS: Announcements; Breaking News; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: academialist
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posted on
12/29/2001 8:10:31 PM PST
To: tbeatty
My timer went off. Thank God for Ann Coulter and others willing to go out on the limb.
I was just reflecting on the commentary she made about Walter Cronkite. After pointing out that Falwell went on a Christian broadcast network and said that homosexuality is offensive to God, Cronkite responded with "that's the worst thing I've ever heard."
(shaking head) That really does tell you something.
To: americalost
To: tbeatty
BEST PART OF THE COULTER THING - KID ASKS HER WHY GOP LOVES POL POT! Shes puts the proverbial smack down! :>
To: tbeatty
".............hundreds of children burned at Waco"
To: hole_n_one
posted on
12/29/2001 8:28:53 PM PST
To: hole_n_one
All those dead were somebody's child.LOL
To: tbeatty
I really don't think Coulter represents conservatives all that well. She is WAY overrated IMO. Give me Laura Ingraham anyday, she is more intelligent, makes better arguments and cracks jokes that are actually funny.
You might be right, or might not. All I know is she's willing to throw the verbal bombs and stand there taking the flack for it. Her uniquely-carved place is a niche where no one else has the balls to stand. Pardon my French.
To: tbeatty
Coulter was noting how the media is so quick to spend a substantial amount of time covering an event such as the bombing of an empty Red Cross buliding or the occassional civilian death, yet, when it came to covering the "hundreds of children burned at Waco", they gave it little attention.
I thought the death toll at Waco was somewhere between 70 and 85, depending on which accounting group/agency you use.
To: tbeatty
She is smart and gutsy.
To: tbeatty
We're killing millions of people in Afghanistan?
To: hole_n_one
buliding s/b building
To: isthisnickcool
She is smart and gutsy. And yes your nick is cool. :)
To: tbeatty
Ann's Q&A session is much better than the prepared remarks. I am enjoying this segment more than the speech.
To: tbeatty
Ann Coulter was fantastic! Enjoyed every minute of her talk. I also enjoyed the young lady who introduced Ann - because it was fascinating to hear her speak to potential "disruptors" of Ann's talk and the Q&A sesssion afterwoards ------- telling them that if they went into a tirade the mic would be shut off. It is just so amazing that this woman who speaks with more clarity and more truth than Norm Chomsky has in his frizzlled and frazzled liberal brain - would face the possibility of hecklers/verbal attackers - while Chomsky would be wined and dined as liberal royalty! Ann defines he liberal mind so well - and says she is writing her next book - about the liberal mindset (another winner, I imagine). Ann Couleter NAILED the liberals and will no doubt have caused them acid indigestion in doing so.
I am alzo amazed that cspan carried this! Way to go, Cspan - are you out of Hillary's clutches now? If so, isn't it nice to be part of the "free" press again?
To: Freedom'sWorthIt
No orange peels!
To: americalost
I think she likes throwing "verb bombs" because she has a huge ego and likes the attention she receives when she makes outrageous and/or downright stupid statements, such as when she stated that we should kill the leaders of moslem countries and convert their populaces to Christianity. Does she really think that is a realistic solution or was that an awfully bad joke??
She's always making absurd statements like that and she gives lots of ammunition to DU types and other liberals. Not that I really give sh%t what they think, but she makes me wince sometimes because she defined by some as a "leading conservative".
To: Freedom'sWorthIt
I just tuned in, where is she speaking and who is she speaking to? The Q A is on now but probably almost over. Were the questions informed ones? I hope that it will be shown again.
I admit I wince sometimes, too, but there's still something to be said for her having the guts to take on these liberal freaks.
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