Here once again is the text of the original post with corrected spelling.
And happy new year from our house to yours. There has been some discussion over the last few days about the ping and bump lists on Free Republic. Some people find the group pings and bumps to be annoying.
While that may be understanble to some, not everyone shares these feelings of being annoyed. In fact, some of us are actully thrilled to be part of these group bumps and pings.
Group bumps and pings brings article of interest to the attention of people like myself. For example, articles concerning Ted Maher and the ongoing attempts to try to get him freed and back home to his family.
This young man has been treated very shabilly by the people of Monaco and because of this, I've made a point to boycott anything and everything that is made out of Monaco, products and all. There is a running thread on this very sad and tragic situation that has more information on this.
The pings and bumps have also given me access to some very interesting and informative articles realting to the cause of conservatism and for that I'm very grateful. There have been some articles brought to my atention that I felt were a little far-fetched but that's O.K. I read each and every one that is bumped to me by other freepers.
Now, for those who want to be taken off these lists, you can always be asked to be taken off. That, of course, is your perrogative. I think, though that the rest of us will just stick to the idea of having articles bumped to our attention. The ping and bump lists have been a very informative function of Free Republic and for that we are grateful. As we move into 2002, here's to more news and information to help us in our ongiong battle for the hearts and minds of people everywhere across America. Knowledge is power and that's what Free Republic is all about.
Yay! Glad you were to retrieve it and repost! : ) Very good thoughts.
sirgawain, see #43, - the post from the original thread. (This is the one word-correct(ed) version.) : )