To: SickOfItAll
Are you serious, I don't have anything against Jews but that statement is ridiculous.I believe that the poster you were referring to meant that Jews do not proselytize, and do not want to be proselytized. I suspect that you may be equating 'Jews' with 'Israelis', or possibly thinking of some other context. If anyone here has ever been approached by a Jewish person trying to persuade them to convert to Judaism, I would be most surprised, and interested to hear the details.
To: Lucius Cornelius Sulla
The Reform congregation in South Florida and probably elsewhere has been very active in trying to defund the Boy Scouts and ban them from public schools because of the Scout's stance on homosexuality. That may not be converting people to their faith but it sure is a form of proselytizing. Not just Jews are involved, the Unitarians (my faith) are active in this jihad against the Scouts too. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson