Since you can't be bothered to crack a book yourself, I will give you an example. Article 1, Section 1 states:All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States...
Note that the word "rights" does not appear. Note that power is granted to Congress, not the other way around.
261 posted by alpowolf
You are stating demagogy and wishful thinking. It's just not how it actualy works. Balance of power is balance of power. Yet even this balance at times need to be skewed such as when threatened by the Soviet Union abroad, or when Dimbocraps use free speech at home to campaign against the nation. If America is to survive, the communist cults of congress will have to go, that means not more but less freedoms. After all, Marx was all for democracy because he knew that was how he could beat any nation out there. His screams against a strong bourgeois government or body are all too obvious.
Incrediible. You ignore the constitution, and prattle on that we should have 'less freedoms'. --- Mindboggling.