Well now you have hit my sore spot. I could go on and on about that all day. First of, since marajuana is a naturaly occouring plant, it does come from God. Therefore God can't be all that against it.
As far as intoxication being immoral or a sin goes, I have had arguments with many phoney so-called "Bible-believing" Christians who claim that they believe in the literal word of the Bible, but will jump through all sorts of hoops, bending and twisting of the Word of God every which way to come up with some laughable, convoluted arguments in order to "prove" that Jesus never drank wine. Please tell me that you are not one of those "two wines theory" (thats what they call it) kooks. People like that do NOT believe in the literal Word.
No, these are the 'two(or more) whines theory' schnooks.