Nobody, ever accused of witchcraft , could fly, work spells, or went to a public ( that PRIVATE, in England ) , English boarding school that was devoted to teaching " magic." That's just for starters. Jesus turned water int wine, and we call that a miracle. Moses turned a staff into a serpent. So did Pharoh's court magician . This is REALLY an ancient magic trick, that is STILL done today , and I've seen it not only done, but explained !
Now, outside of reading the Bible, tell me , and the sources, that you know about witches. I'll try to help you out, as much as I can. : - )
Moses turning his staff into serpent was not a magical trick. Remember that Moses' staff ate all their staffs. Moses' power came directly and only from God.
Outside of reading the Bible, what do I know about witches? That as people, I'm sure some of them are well meaning individuals. You are right, I have not studied witchcraft and am no expert on it. I'm sure you know a lot more about it than I do. I do know enough about it from here and there (sorry, no bibliography will be provided) to know that it is definitely not something I want to study.
Ridicule me if you will, but I am firmly convinced that the Bible is our sufficient guide to life. I appreciate your offer to educate me on witchcraft -- I really do, because obviously it is something that means a lot to you -- but no thank you.
No, I certainly do not believe that Queen Elizabeth worships the devil. Did the article say that? I guess I should have read it more carefully. (Sorry.) I read the first few paragraphs and agreed with them. My apolgies if I've been defending the position that QE is a devil worshiper. I can see how someone would think that position is a bit off.