posted 10.6.01:
"For three days there's been a "Give Peace a Chance" mob perched on the steps of Fairfax, CA's bus stop. They have no permit. Their right to demonstrate was allowed by Les Tremayne, local left-wing extremist and town council member, in conspiracy with the new town manager. No permit, no meeting with other members of the council, no fees, all restrictions waived by oral agreement between the two of them. The police were ordered not to dislodge the demonstrators and the fire department was alerted to wash off the graffiti when they left each night.
"Over nineteen complaints were registered by townsfolk bringing the majority of disgust to 7.
"The police are angry at being expected to do the bidding of the petty despot Tremayne. They agree that the special treatment given the peace mob constitutes conspiracy to break the law which is a felony. They agree that having firemen wash the steps is misappropriation of town funds. They agree that the mob misrepresents Fairfax and that it is exercising its free speech by special fiat of one man in power."
We called all the local TV, radio stations and newspapers. As far as I know, nobody was interested. Fairfax, as a municpality, is controlled by the left who operate it as a private show place. We are a nuclear-free zone. We cannot plant a non-native tree in our own yard. Our Representative is Lynn Woolsey, local welfare mother, who threw a tantrum in Jesse Helms Committee. Is it any surprise that Walker-Lindh cut his hate-America teeth here?