I wonder if that lab in Mass. that cloned a human being could qualify for federal aid? I can just see the press conference: "We're not going to fund research on new clones--but the ones that have already been cloned..."
If they harvest the clone for its stem cells, then duplicate the line, you will have the same justification that the republicans used the first time. No wonder the Pope said there are dark times ahead.
What's this "we" business, white man? =)
The current issue of Human Life Review has some excellent articles on the subject. I may post a potpourri of highlights.
At least as disturbing, if not more, are the inroads made toward offing the "living" and scrapping them for parts upon "brain death".
Speaking of definitions, I hadn't realized that food and water now had become a legal term of art known as "ANH" or artificial nutrition and hydration.
I suppose this bit of semantics (and the almighty Economic Burden, of course) is why Sinkspur argues that a feeding tube is an "extraordinary" measure next of kin need not feel morally obligated to take where the dying, comatose or failing are concerned.
God forbid we have the true compassion that is "suffering with". Better our service to mankind take the form of legislation and conditioning necessary to liquidate those who might put the pinch on our pocketbooks or cast a pall on our Quality of Life.