What a worthless piece of excrement she is. Does she really think we are all so damn stupid that we don't remember her husband slobbering all over Mass Murderer Arafat and engineering the election of Arafat-suck-up Barak in order to get "his legacy"???? The Clintons' hijacking of the Israeli elections and getting rid of the one true terrorist fighter they have ever had, Netanyahu, has DIRECTLY led to yesterday's massacres and the ones still to come. They will never be able to wash the blood off their hands.
The brazenness of this witch continues to just leave me slack-jawed.
Offhand,I'd have to say they are feeling pretty happy with themselves AND with Bubba and Buh-Bette. Not only are they out of jail WITHOUT criminal records thanks to Bubba's pardon,but this lack of a criminal record means they can apply for MORE gooberment educational grant money. Let's not forget the 50 MILLION bucks they stole is still missing,and nobody is asking where it went,either. That alone should be enough to make them pretty giddy about the whole thing!
OOOPS! Let's not forget that Bubba Bush and Janet Ashcroft don't seem to be very interested in investigating the missing 50 million,either. This is yet one more reason for these "deeply religious persons" to be giddy with delight about buying the pardons. It's obvious Bubba Bush is terrified of the previous WH Bubba's.