Lisa is lucky to have someone as nice as you, and I wish you both the best!
btw, I feel like I'm the last single person left in this world! :-(
No, no, there's still a few of us scattered here and there...and even way over there!
Lovely proposal, Darth Sidius, and may your marriage truly be made in Heaven. With Him at the center, I don't see how it couldn't be.
Now now... don't be that way! I felt EXACTLY the same way, 'cindi, just over a year or so ago. And I'm still having a hard time believing God's letting me finally have this kind of happiness!
Here's what He's taught me, about this kind of thing: don't go looking for that kind of love. I tried for awhile, and only met girls who fell short of the high sights I'd set out to find. It took a LOT of grief for God to break me of some things, including trying to find things on my own... ESPECIALLY something as important as this.
To make a long story short, when I finally came to not look at where I wanted to be, and instead focused on where God needed me to be, and to just be content with having breath in my lungs and legs strong enough to take me where I would, He sent Lisa... at precisely the right moment in my life. No way could I have planned or executed it as beautifully as He did.
Keep yer chin up, kid... God is good, you've got good friends and we're prayin' for ya. I know I am ;-)
Now just hold on a cotton picken minute little lady. The line forms behind me. No, that's not polite. Ladies first.