To: kattracks
Somehow, I've heard this rant before: "Rock and roll is the spawn of the Satan. Blah, blah, blah..." I'm amazed that some of these morons have not had problems with Grimm's Fairy Tales ... since they are populated with evil trolls, wicked stepmothers, witches, and so on. Harry Potter is no different. It's a fairy tale. The main character is fundamentally good, decent, and honest. He is set against the evil Lord Baldemour (sp?) and, while Harry's tool is wizardry, he does not use his gifts to intentionally harm other people. In other words, it is no different from comic book heroes who have developed extraordinary powers and battle evil. The problem that some of these narrow-minded twits apparently have with Harry is that, besides finding him sympathetic and likeable to potential Wiccans, many of them cannot distinguish between fantasy and real-life evil. They would have felt right at home at the Salem Witch trials; in fact, some of their ancestors were probably cheering stuff like "Burn the Witch! Burn the Witch!"
56 posted on
11/24/2001 10:49:19 AM PST by
To: Bush2000
They would have felt right at home at the Salem Witch trials; in fact, some of their ancestors were probably cheering stuff like "Burn the Witch! Burn the Witch!" And the Potter geeks probably would have thrown the Christians to the lions for entertainment.
To: Bush2000
I'm amazed that some of these morons have not had problems with Grimm's Fairy Tales ... since they are populated with evil trolls, wicked stepmothers, witches, and so on. Since witches and such are always clearly evil in Grimm's Fairy tales, Christians have no problem with it at all. Harry Potter is putting the occult before children as a positive thing.
62 posted on
11/24/2001 10:59:50 AM PST by
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