"Yer being a PUNK again, dude..."
"...hope you grow out of it, but in the meantime, leave me out of it."
"leave me out of it"...actually means you're now departing...very quickly - you're hunting for an exit - - now, right now - is this correct?? In other words, you can't take anymore..no sir, I won't let you do this - come back and debate with me - debate all that I've pointed out to you - you get back here please and answer me about how you get to be a "good cop/bad cop"...yet - you insist that I can't draw conclusions from a real cop who has retired with 30 years experience. Thanks...I'll be here waiting for you - to face the music. Jeff
Black Jade, Yes or No - the three questions - as applied to the Bahamas?? Thank you.