In what may be a shock to some and especially to certain liberals and disrupters, Free Republic was not created to "debate" liberal ideas or policy or to allow the liberals and moderates the advantage of setting the subject or tone of the discussion. For example, there is absolutely no need to debate the subjects of homosexuality or racism or federal control over education, health, welfare and the environment, or globalism, or gun control, or social security, or any of the other hundreds of touchy feely causes that our detractors use as bait to trap us and to rob us of our freedom. I'd just as soon none of it even appears on the pages of Free Republic at all, other than to expose the lying politicians and media. Debate on these issues leads only to compromise. And when we are speaking of the larger concepts of equality under the law, separation of powers, self government, Freedom, and Liberty there can be no room for debate or compromise.
If I say I support the Drug War, and Anti-Homosexual Laws, and Anti-Abortion Laws, then I will get a hundred posts from Libertarians calling me a Taliban and telling me to get the burquas (sp).
I agree, that is precisely why that even when George Bush, or a so-called conservative republican, or liberal democrat, attempts to/ or does, trample on the Constitution or Bill of Rights, then I will make the effort to inform as many Freedom Loving people as possible.
First of all, any filthy langauge used on this site gets pulled and chronic offenders get the boot. And second, the conservatives are just as capable of dishing insults as the libertarians - I wish I had a time for everytime I saw authoritarian conservatives call libertarians pot-heads and druggies for their stance on the war on (some) drugs. I am against the war on drugs and I don't use illegal drugs - but many authoritarians call me a druggie anyway. So don't whine so hard about the flames - because both sides spray the flames about.
Freedom, and Liberty there can be no room for debate...
Thus, "Freedom and Liberty" together with "no room for debate." Really wonderful.
You want liberty? Then shut up, the damn slave: then you'll understand what I mean by my freedom and my liberty.
These views are not of a conservative: as expressed, they lie a notch to the right of those held by a dictator.
Well, I don't agree with that statement. In fact, I think it's downright tacky and doesn't help the debate on here along at all.
Now, since I don't agree with you, does that mean I'm not a REAL conservative?