Maybe. But the $19 billion Saddam Hussein gets in oil revenues each year would save those starving children he's propagandizing about -- if he wasn't spending it on himself and weapons.
As long as Arab people believe the dictates of tyrants, royalty and clergy to be better than self determination and freedom, they will be poor.
America's Fifth Column ... watch PBS documentary JIHAD! In America
Download 8 Mb zip file here (50 minute video)
I know a Lebanese family that's been in the USA for three generations. Grandpa made a huge fortune here. HUGE. They're lovely people. Very charitable, build hospitals for their communities, etc. My friends, I thought. BUT! When I read a publication put out by a Lebanese association, it featured an article on how awful it was that they were cut off from selling opium from Lebanon. And in a conversation at their dinner table, this highly educated millionaire family discussed how unfair it was that they could not add to their fortune with drug sales. Incredible!