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To: one_particular_harbour
She is such an unaccomplished lightweight!



Dr. Judith Reisman, The Institute for Media Education
A Presence and an Influence in Worldwide Courts and Legislatures


SOUTH AFRICA, 1995:  The Office of the Attorney General thanks Dr. Reisman for “your knowledge and your expertise....your assistance in saving this nation from a potential disaster....we have achieved a major victory on the pornography front....which would not have been possible without the aid of your expert knowledge, books, videos and articles.”  Dr. Reisman’s testimony on the ways graphic, antisocial imagery reconfigures brain, mind and memory helped pass The Film and Publications Bill of 1995, by an overwhelming majority of 300 votes, prohibiting child pornography in any form (written, visual, cartoon, “artistic” or pseudo), and prohibiting current types of “adult” pornography.

AUSTRALIA, Parliament 1994 and 1992:  Following her April 6, 1992 invited testimony and report on pornography and the harm factor to the Senate Select Committee on Community Standards, Parliament banned "X" Rated materials from pay cable TV, while her March 1994 research paper aided Parliament’s decision, based on harm, to similarly ban "R" Rated materials from pay cable TV.

CANADA, Supreme Court 1992: Dr. Reisman provided briefing materials on pornography and harm, aiding the Canadian Supreme Court's unanimous decision February 27, 1992 to ban all pornography as "obscene" as it undermines equality by degrading, subjugating and dehumanizing women.  Subsequently, in 1993, Dr. Reisman was tasked by the Ontario Human Rights Commission to produce a research paper, "Pornography in Neighborhood Convenience Stores: Neurochemical Effects on Women," for a pornography case challenging the new law--results pending.

NEW ZEALAND, Tribunal 1991 and 1989:  Dr. Reisman's research was delivered by-proxy via Dr. John Court to the New Zealand Pornography Commission investigations in 1989.  She was again asked for, and delivered, written testimony to the New Zealand Indecency Tribunal in 1991.

ISRAEL, Knesset 1982:  Dr. Reisman founded a media monitoring, non-profit foundation in Israel, funded by private and public sources which has presented findings on Israeli media to the Knesset and throughout Israel.  At minimum, major corrections and improvements were made in controlling advertisements, largely due to Dr. Reisman's data collection, cadre training, and public dissemination of information.


Massachusetts, 1989:  Oakes v. Massachusetts. Massachusetts Attorney General, James Shannon cited Dr. Reisman's DoJ, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention study in this successful brief and in oral appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. Shannon wrote (1/8/90):


I contacted Dr. Reisman in connection with an important child pornography case, Massachusetts v. Oakes…which I argued in the United States Supreme Court in January, 1989…I had to convince the court that both nude and sexually explicit photographs of children were exploitive and harmful.  To make the point, I quoted Dr. Reisman’s study, “Images of Children, Crime and Violence in Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler Magazines,” in which she showed that sexually exploitive photographs of children condone and promote a distorted view of sexuality, often by pairing...sexuality and violence, or depicting children as desiring sexual activity with adults.

Ohio, 1989:  Osborne v. Ohio.  Amici cited "Neurochemical Evidence Shows That People React Differently To Pictures Than They Do To Words Raising New First Amendment Considerations" and thanks "Dr. Judith Reisman for her valuable development of this concept" (:23) and, "J.  Reisman's New York Review of Law and Social Change," (1979) where she addressed media, science and civil rights.

On behalf of the Amici in Osborne v. Ohio....thanks for your invaluable assistance rendered to us in researching and writing this brief.  Your ideas on how the visual images effect people substantially more than the written word is indeed a new concept and could have many significant ramifications in the area of the First Amendment.  If in fact the court and legislatures do believe that visual images, specifically of sexual, sexually violent and violent material, will have a greater impact on people in general and children in particular, there may be justification for more strict legislation in these areas than would apply to the written material.  Moreover, under a First Amendment analysis, since the harm is greater, there would be more of a compelling state interest to have stricter laws. (H. Robert Showers, 10/12/89).


Crawford v. Lungren, 1996:  The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld the right of California’s newsrack laws to protect minors in support of Amici arguments by the National Law Center for Children and Families.  Amici cited to Reisman’s Canadian paper,  “Pornography in Neighborhood Convenience Stores: Neurochemical Effects on Women,” that “Images reach the brain more quickly than print” (:15).

Steffan v. Perry, 1994 and 1991: The U.S. States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.  The lower court in 1991, under Judge Oliver Gash, cited Reisman’s book in rejecting Steffan’s appeal.  Upon challenge in 1994, Colonel Ronald Ray Esq., Ret., and Reisman filed an Amicus brief on behalf of the Naval Aviation Foundation in support of the Department of Defense ruling, that homosexuality and sexual conduct cannot be separated.  General P.X. Kelley, former member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Commandant of The Marine Corps, wrote of Reisman’s “groundbreaking work in Kinsey, Sex & Fraud,” (October 5, 1994) in recommending she and Colonel Ray enter the Steffan case.

United States v. Knox, 1994:  The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third District, ruled in support of arguments presented in the Institute for Media Education Amicus and Arnold & Porter written with Colonel Ron Ray and Randall Shaheen, citing Reisman’s research on images and for OJJDP, to protect children from use in child pornography.

TEXAS, 1993:  Despite obstructions, the Court’s successful use of Dr. Reisman’s findings continue.  A Texas prosecutor wrote the following:

As a prosecuting attorney, I have tried approximately 35 obscenity jury trials in which the defense has called a sociologist as an expert witness on community standards.  Your book, Kinsey, Sex and Fraud, has proven invaluable on cross-examination.  This sociologist studied at the Kinsey Institute and bases a lot of expert opinions on his studies at that institute.  To be able to point out to the jury the fraud that Alfred Kinsey and his institute have perpetrated is a very effective tool…I encourage you to continue your work in this area to point out to the public the frauds sociology and psychology have given us (March 8, 1993).

OHIO, 1991:  State of Ohio v. Contemporary Arts Center, (Mapplethorpe trial):  The presiding judge rules in agreement with Dr. Reisman’s expert testimony re: what was Mapplethorpe’s artistic “whole” to be viewed by the jury.  Frank Prouty, the State prosecutor writes:

As you know, the State filed a Motion in Limine regarding what constituted the “whole” as that issue related to the Mapplethorpe exhibit.  Your testimony was critical to the Motion, and your testimony ensured a favorable ruling for the State…The issues and interpretation you presented concerning the child photographs and the remaining photographs substantiated the prosecution’s view…The perspective you established was both concise and persuasive, and should be considered in any interpretation of pornography and its affect in both children and adults (March 4, 1991).

CALIFORNIA, 1989: Ventura County Superior Court cites Reisman’s research to convict child pornography Hustler cartoonist, Dwaine Tinsley.

Mr. Hardy indicated that your report [Dr. Reisman’s “Images of Children, Crime and Violence”] was extremely helpful throughout the prosecution of the Tinsley case.  Mr. Hardy used the report as a reference source for putting together his closing arguments, and for his cross examination…Mr. Hardy considers your report to be a great piece of work, and has recommended the report…to the National Association of District Attorneys…your report…was a great help in the prosecution of this case (March 28, 1989).

Dr. Reisman has been successfully consulted on sexual harassment in the Minnesota workplace; on a mother’s rights to child custody from an AIDS father in Kentucky; in testimony before the Attorney General’s Commission on pornography; on homosexual versus parents rights in a Connecticut classroom on fraudulent sex education in Falmouth schools. She is currently consultant for a first amendment versus parental rights case involving one government school, in a second school versus parents’ case involving subversion of parents to provide contraception to minors and a third case involving sexual harassment in the workplace.


Washington, D.C., December, 1995:  HR 2749, The Child Protection and Ethics in Education Act, is introduced.  A Bill to determine if Alfred Kinsey’s Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and/or Sexual Behavior in the Human Female are the result of any fraud or criminal wrongdoing: 41 co-sponsors; carried over to 1997-1998 legislature to investigate the Kinsey data.  This Bill is the culmination of Dr. Reisman’s 20-years of research and advocacy for children.  A Senate hearing waits in the wings.

Minnesota, 1993:  After a last-minute briefing and presentation of pedophile exhibits by Dr. Reisman to Minnesota legislators, “affectional orientation” language, which allows children to be in legal sexual relationships with adults, is removed from two pending Minnesota laws.

Georgia, 1992:  Heeding Dr. Reisman’s exhibits and expert testimony on February 13, 1992, the State of Georgia House Education Subcommittee terminates Georgia’s then mandated sex education curriculum due to its false, Kinseyan database.  The educator who organized the legislative event credits Reisman’s data, additionally, with the overwhelming legislative defeat of the homosexual/sex education lobby, by a house vote of 150-1 and a Senate vote of 48-6.  The legislature prohibits teaching youths illegal behavior such as sodomy, adultery, and fornication.  (C. Weatherly, Education Analysis & Research Systems, June 11, 1992).

Washington, D.C., 1991:  Congressman William E. Danneymeyer cites Dr. Reisman’s Kinsey fraud findings in a floor debate, which helped sway cancellation of a proposed $18 million dollar teen-sex survey (TIME, August 5, 1991: 27), viewed by the national sex-education monopoly as a major defeat in their efforts to modify American youth.

VIRGINIA, 1986:  Dr. Peter Anderson wrote:  “The City Council voted 7-0 in favor of banning topless dancing … due to Dr. Reisman’s knowledge of the material and her ability to present it in such a clear and concise manner.  I encourage anyone to have Dr. Reisman address either their citizens or community leaders if they need help in fighting pornography in the local community”. (June, 1986).

MICHIGAN, circa 1980:  Testimony to the Michigan State Senate Juvenile Justice Corrections, to aid decision-making on pornography harms.


Illinois, 1994:  As an expert on “Cultural Diversity,” Dr. Reisman’s presentation of evidence, citing to the use of Kinsey[s findings in the planned curriculum, successfully aided parents in eliminating a $600,000 mandated Diversity program in Springfield, Illinois schools.



MISSOURI, 1988:  Missouri Department of Corrections.  A Corrections psychologist writes that a group formed to study eliminating Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler, and all other pornography from the prison system.  A call to Missouri corrections finds all pornography but Playboy banned.  “Two males within the administrative structure, who reportedly saw no problem with pornography within our system, were greatly swayed in favor of its removal once they read your report…[One] often attempted to sway policy toward allowing pornography to pacify inmates.  He now is a member of our committee to halt and ban incoming pornography.  Yours was the only report he read.”  (10/26/88)

COVER STORY IN The National Review, MAY 19, 1997 “Mortal Sins”:  “The sexual revolution was based on a lie.  Judith Reisman has spent thirty years uncovering the truth,” by Tom Bethell [and] featured in the Reader’s Digest, (4/97), “Sex, Lies and the Kinsey Report.”


Comments on Dr. Reisman and her Work

Bruce A. Taylor, President & Chief Counsel, National Law Center for Children and Families: "We should probably call her Detective Reisman for finding the hidden clue to Kinsey's crimes against children and families.  She alone noticed that babies were molested in the name of Kinsey's macabre science and her book is the victims' grand jury indictment of perhaps the most destructive sexual revolutionary since Caligula.  Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences is a blueprint for justice for victims of sexual exploitation and abuse.  In the face of Kinsey's handbook for perpetrators, Dr. Reisman is the victims' amicus curiae."  (4/2000)

Tim Tate, Producer-Director, "Kinsey's Paedophiles," Yorkshire TV, Great Britain: "When I first came across Judith Reisman's work my view of Alfred Kinsey was unquestioningly benign… In the course of producing my documentary - 'Kinsey's Paedophiles' – it became clear that every substantive allegation Reisman made was not only true but thoroughly sourced with documentary evidence - despite the Kinsey Institute's reluctance to open its files.  My film built on the foundations laid by Dr. Reisman. Those foundations - and the additional evidence we uncovered about Kinsey's involvement with paedophiles who were actively abusing children - make it imperative that his successors at the Kinsey Institute today allow a rigorous and independent investigation of this dark corner of human study."  (4/2000)

Robert Sweet, former U.S. Depart. of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Administrator:  “Dr. Reisman is a scientist of outstanding exactitude and courage…the massive, affluent sex industry [has been unable] to show her findings to be incorrect or methodologically flawed—in even the smallest detail” (8/25/94).

Bill Moyers, CBS News: ‘Dear Professor Reisman: Having read your article in the Washington Post, I wanted to say that I, for one, believe your research project to be quite important.  Our society faces no more important dilemma, in fact, and I say this as a father, journalist and citizen.  In my role as a journalist, however, I would like to....explore how your conclusions can be reported on the air in a responsible way” (June 19, 1985).

The Hon. Dr. Marlene Goldsmith, M.L.C. Legislative Council, Australia: “Thank you for your powerful presentation on Tuesday.  There were at least seven Members of Parliament present, and I have had very favorable responses from most of them....For those of us fighting this battle in the trenches, your visit has been an inspiration.  Thank you for all you are doing to make the world a safer place for its children” (Nov. 16, 1992).

The Hon. Dennis Stevenson MLA, Australia: “[Thanks] Canberra during your recent Australian tour....for the in-depth briefing that you gave Parliamentarians....[and] your presentation to the National Press Club Luncheon....Parliamentarians....were surprised to learn that Kinsey’s findings have misled many legislators....[as so much about] human sexuality in the western world derives from Kinsey” (December 11, 1992).

John Rabun, Deputy Director, Nat. Center for Missing & Exploited Children:  Reisman’s “study must be read by all those concerned with the ways pornography and violence in the media affect the incidence of child sexual exploitation and abuse” (3/24/88).

Reporter, Susan Trento, exposed Playboy’s buying of legislative influence in Washington D.C. to discredit Reisman, whose cataloging of “children, crime and violence in pictures and cartoons found in Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler…made the publishers of these and other magazines very nervous” (The Power House, 1992:194).

Reisman, said the LA Times, “delivers a potentially damaging blow…compar[ing] two [Mapplethorpe] photographs…to child pornography and [saying] none are fit to hang in an art museum.” (10/5/90)   In 1991, Playboy, (whispering counsel to the Mapplethorpe defense) reported:  “I would have taken a .357 Magnum, walked up to her and said, ‘Judith, you’re history’” (2/91). Hugh Hefner pens a “letter to the editor” in Canada, 1996, to condemn Reisman’s work. Playboy:  “Reisman…is lying with statistics…Playboy never has, never will” sexualize children.  (12/85).  She “puts men’s magazines on the endangered species list,”  (10/88)…is “propagating a new witch-hunt mentality.” (2/89).

Lawyer/Kentucky Congressman, Tim Philpot: “We retained the services of Judith Reisman as an expert witness on the issue of the health, welfare and safety of the four minor children....Dr. Reisman’s testimony was extremely helpful....on the behavioral issues relating to the potential abuse of the children by either the father or his friends” (9/5/96).  And, Pamela Hobbs:  “My father, Dr. A. H. Hobbs....believed your research was excellent.” (9/25/94). University of Penn. scholar, Hobbs, provided the scholarship which halted Kinsey’s Rockefeller grant.

Law Enforcement Training Conference on Child Sexual Exploitation and Obscenity, Memphis, Tennessee, on Dr. Reisman as Guest speaker particularly enjoyed the views of Dr. Judith Reisman and wished she had been able to spend more time with us.  Her comments were right on target … This seminar changed my total outlook/viewpoint on these type cases.  Dr. Reisman could start a revolution.  She’s great … I would have liked to have heard her speak more.  She turned some lights on in my mind (10/4-5, 1993).

Jerre Thompson, President of Southland 7-11 Corp., Letter to the Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography:  [It] became apparent to us--especially from the generally unrebutted testimony before your Commission-- that respected experts who have studied this issue very carefully are of the opinion that apparently a very small segment of our society employs various tools, including adult magazines, to assist in abuses of children and others.  This was strongly pointed out in Judith Reisman’s report before the Commission at its [Miami, Florida] hearing on child pornography (4/ 10/86).

Sam Houston State University Criminal Justice Center, Texas, Announced:  “Local Professional Named to Missing Children-Serial Murderer Task Force:  Judith A. Reisman, Professor at American University in Washington, D.C., has been named to a National task force (funded by two agencies of the U.S. Department of Justice), given the job of developing the master plan for a nationwide system to trace missing or abducted children and adults, serial murderers and conduct research....the other (session is) at the FBI Academy, Quantico,,” (8/15, 1983).


Brief Vitae of Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D.


Images of Children, Crime and Violence in Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler, US Dep. Justice Grant No. 84-JN-AX-K007, 1986, 1989, 1990.

Kinsey, Sex and Fraud, Judith Reisman et al., Lafayette LA: Huntington House, 1990.

Soft Porn Plays Hardball, Lafayette: LA.  Huntington House, 1991.

Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences, The Institute for Media Education, Crestwood, KY., 1998, 2000.


Ph.D. 1980 in Communications, Case Western Reserve University

M.A. 1976 in Communications, Case Western Reserve University



Mack, D., (1997) -The Assault on Parenthood Simon and Schuster, (citation)

Brennen, W. (1995)   Dehumanizing the Vulnerable, Loyola University Press (citation)

Zillmann, D. (1994)  Media, Children and The Family.  NJ:  Erlbaum (article)

Ruggiero, V.R. (1994)  Warning, Nonsense is Destroying America,  Nashville: Nelson (citation)

Hattermer, B. (1993)  Don’t Touch That Dial.  Lafayette, LA:  Huntington House (article)

Trento, S. (1992)  The Power House.  NYC:  The New Press (citation)

Kincaid, C. (1992)  The Playboy Foundation.  Washington DC:  Capital Research Center (citation)

Bolton, R. (1992)  Cultural Wars.  NYC:  The New Press (article)

Osaka, F. (1989)  Source Book of Pornography.  MA:  Lexington (citation)

Zimbardo, P. (1988)  Psychology and Life.  MA:  Scott, Foreman (citation)

Mawyer, M. (1987) Silent Shame.  Westchester, IL:  Crossways (citation)

Burgess, A. (1986)  Sexual Exploitation of Patients.  NYC:  Garland (article)

McCuen, E. (1985)  Pornography and Sexual Violence.  WI:  Gem (article)

Lederer, Laura (1981) Take Back the Night.  NYC:  Bantam (article/interview)

Skirball Museum (1974) A Walk Through the Past.  CA:  Hebrew Union College  (epic poem)


Princeton University                                                                                                      American Society of Criminology

Georgetown University                                                                                                  North Carolina Psychiatric Association

American University                                                                                                      Israeli Army Air Force Academy, Israel

University of Jerusalem                                                                                                  International Assoc. of Police Women

University of Haifa & Tel Aviv University                                                                   Criminal Division/Executive US Attorney Office

Rutherford Institute                                                                                                        NOVA, NCASA, CCAVE, NCTV, NET…

Texas Woman’s University                                                                                            Federal Bureau of Investigation

Clarkson College                                                                                                             Vice and Police Organizations

Notre Dame University                                                                                                  Child Protection Organizations

University of Kentucky                                                                                                 United States Air Force Academy, Colorado, etc.


Adjunct faculty, George mason University, 1990

Research Full Professor, The American University, 1983-85

Asst./Assoc. Prof.,  (Martze) University of Haifa, Israel, 1981-83


Invited Paper: HR 3300: The Military Honor & Decency Act (Pornography Law) May 1996

Invited Paper: South Africa Film and Publications Bill of 1995 (Pornography Law) 1995

Briefed:  Selected Lansing Michigan Legislators (Pornography Law) May 1994

Briefed:  Kirkland & Ellis (Re:  Oral Argument, United States v. Knox) April 1994

Briefed:  Australian Parliament Standing Committee on Social Issues (Media Effects) 1992, 1994

Invited Paper:  Ontario Human rights Commission (Pornography Effects) 1993

Invited Paper:  Senate Committee on Armed Services (Homosexuality) July 1993

Briefed:  Army Chief of Staff Gordon Sullivan, Senator Malcolm Wallop (Homosexuality in the Military) December 1993

Invited Paper, Testimony: Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces 1992

Briefed:  Inspector General Roland Griffith (Homosexuality) December 1993

Expert Research Younger et al., v. Stroh (Federal Court Sex Harassment) 1992

Testified:  Australian Parliament, Senate Select Committee (X & R Rated Effects) April 1992

Invited Paper:  Office of US Surgeon General (Mass Media Harms) March 1992

Testified:  State of Georgia Senate Ed Committee (Kinsey-Sex Ed Curriculum) February 1992

Testified:  Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office: OH (Mapplethorpe Trial) August & October 1990

Testified:  City Council; Newport News, VA (Nude Dancing & Public Order) June 1986

Invited Paper:  US Attorney General Commission on Pornography: NYC (Effects) January 1986

Testified:  US Attorney General Commission on Pornography; Miami (Effects) November 1985

Invited Paper:  US Attorney general Task Force, Domestic Violence:  DC (Effects) August 1985

Testified:  Michigan State Senate Juvenile Justice, Corrections:  MI (Effects) October 1980


Bureau of Justice Assistance, US Department of Justice:  Grant Reviewer 1991

HHS:  Administrator for Children, Youth, and Families:  Grant Reviewer 1991

Eastern Division Vice Investigators Association:  Inservice Trainer 1987-89

HHS Dept. of Substance Abuse Prevention:  Research Paper 1989

Skaggs Foundation:  Visual Literacy Training Grant 1987-89

Department of Education:  “Drug Free Schools”  Grant Reviewer 1987

Department of Education:  “Drug Free Videos”  Grant Reviewer 1985

Georgetown Pediatrics Department:  Inservice Training Seminars Grand Rounds 1984

FBI Academy:  Erotica/Pornography Effects:  Inservice Training Seminar/Video 1983

OJJDP  Missing Children - Serial Murder Task Force:  Inservice Trainer 1983-85

DoJ Office of Juvenile Justice:  Principal Investigator, Pornography, Media Research 1983-94

Israel Science Ministry Department of Sex Education:  Kinsey and  Inservice trainer, Media 1980-83

Scholastics Magazine, NYC:  Art & Education Writer, Producer 1970-80

Milwaukee Public Museum:  Art/Anthropology Television Writer, Producer 1970s

Cleveland Museum of Art:  Art/Head Start, Education Videos/Captain Kangaroo 1970s

Los Angeles Skirball Museum:  History/Archeology Educational Videos 1966-81

Captain Kangaroo CBSTV:  Segment Producer, Performance Artist 1976-1982


Founder, Institute of Media Education and the Family, Israel

Bereaved Parents Association (Juvenile autoerotic deaths), AZ

Paul & Lisa, Inc. (Child prostitute rescue organization), CT

Accuracy in Academia, Washington, D.C.


The Journal of Human Sexuality, (Lewis & Stanley) 1996

Law & Justice:  The Christian Law Review, (UK) 1995

Collected Papers from the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality Conference, (NARTH) July 1995

Ethnology and Sociobiology (USA) 1984

New Universities Quarterly:  Culture, Education, and Society (UK) 1981

Journal of Educational Thought and Practice in Collective Settlements (Israel) 1983

New York University Review of Law and Social Change (USA) 1978-79

Women Speaking (UK) July-September 1978

“A Walk Through the Past,” Los Angeles Skirball Museum, (Hebrew Union College) 1974


Women in Neuroscience

The American Statistical Association

National Association of Scholars

National Council on Family Relations

American Public Health Association

The New York Academy of Sciences

The International Communication Associations

The National Black Child Development Institute

Research Council on Ethnopsychology

The Society for the Scientific Study of Sex

American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers

The World Association of Infant Psychiatry & Allied Disciplines

American Association for the Advancement of Science

National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (Fellow)      


Ted Beahr Movieguide                     The Lancet (British Medical Journal)                       German Arts Television           Larry King Live

The American Spectator                   International German Medical tribune                     Dutch Television                     Donahue 

The Weekly Standard                        Science                                                                    Faith Daniels (NBC)                 The Today Show

Fidelity                                            The Scientist                                                             Entertainment Tonight                           People are Talking

The Australian                                 Archives of Sexual Behavior                                     Geraldo                                    Sally Jesse Raphael

The London Times                           The (British Physicians) Quarterly                            Jerry Springer                          Crier & Crier

TIME                                               Newsweek                                                                 Jenny Jones                              Crossfire, CNN

New Dimensions                               700 Club, CBN NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS,                      BBC,                                        The Harvard Peninsula

The Los Angeles Times                     The Washington Post                                                                The Washington Times             The New York Times

Reader’s Digest, April 1997  and  The National Review, May 19, 1997 “Cover Story”, Correspondant


Learning Magazine, Best Filmstrip of Year, w/ Scholastics 1981-82

US Industrial Film Festival Gold Camera w/ Scholastics 1982

Dukane Award Outstanding Creative Sound Films w/ Scholastics 1982

US Industrial Film Festival Silver Camera w/ Scholastics 1982

ACT Award Children Music w/CBSTV Captain Kangaroo 1976-79

1st Place Local PSA/TV series w/ Jewish Family Service Assoc. 1974

SELECTED PAST/PRESENT HONORS “Save Our Children Scientist Of The Year For 1993,” The Save Our Children National Alliance

Who’s Who in Science and Engineering                          International Who’s Who in Education

The World Who’s Who of Women                 International Who’s Who in Sexology

Who’s Who of American Women                                           Two Thousand Notable Americans                        International Book of Honor

Dr. Reisman receives no “institutional” funding and needs help from the American people.  To become a supporter of Dr. Reisman send your tax deductible donation to IME, PO Box 7404, Arlington, Virginia 22207

Institute for Media Education
P.O. Box 1136
Crestwood, Kentucky 40014

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