They couldn't win the case I filed so they changed the case, attributed statements to me in the ruling that I didn't make and lied in the rulings where ever it was necessary to support the ruling they were going to make. They originally charged me with falsifying my taxes and 6 months later, after all the damage was done, (lost my job) they said I was right all along.
That's just the tip of the iceberg.
They tapped my phone. Had my house buzzed with a military helicopter (caught on tape). Subpoenaed all my lawyers records. Bugged my lawyers office. And put my computer under real time surveilance. Want to hear more?
And would you believe this, they justlogged me off my own computer, just as I was going to post this message.
Hey cut it out already!
Oh and did I mention that they backdated and or intercepted mail with regards to the case and opened mail addressed to me from the U. S. Attorney. Only on America!