It was also during that time that Speaker of the House, Jim Wright (D,TX) tried to establish himself as defacto President by generally trying to run the Niguagran operation by witholding funding for our anti-Communist operations in Niguagra and shoving through the Bolin (D,OK) which forbade such funding. This led to the Iran Contra deal as an effort to get money to continue our fight against the Communists. The Dems then tried to use that to impeach President Reagan.
It also, I am afraid, led to a cozy relationship between the CIA and the South American drug dealers as another source of funding for these covert operations. The end of that story is not in sight and it may be what caused Bush to issue his recent EO on exPresidents' papers. Clinton threatened that if he was exposed then he would practice a scorched earth policy against all others. His position as President gave him access to all the classified info so he has many aces up his sleeve even yet. That is why integrity is so important in a president, enough integrity to put country above self, something Clinton can never do.