Israeli language and culture has never gone away, where is the "palestinian" language or culture? When did the group of Arabs who refer to themselves as Palestinians ever control the country anyway?
Approximately 70% of the land availible for purchase was bought up by Israelis prior to 1948. The Arabs started emmigrating to Israel en masse because they thought they could get a free lunch at Israels expense.The arab population in the mid 19th century was only 250,000 and they lived under terrible conditions. When the Israelis started to return to their land which they had purchased and spent more money on developing the Arabs moved in also to see what they could grab.
1.) Why were the Jews not justified in keeping what they won in 1967 when it was the Arabs who attacked first?
2.) Why are transplants from Jordan who call themselves "Palestinian" somehow more valid than Jews from Europe who call themselves "Israeli"?
3.) Why do they always act like Arabs were pushed off their land when lots of it was swamp land that the Jews drained and cultivated, or bought legally pre-1948?
4.) The Arabs have turned down every previous offer to create a Palestinian state. Why?
5.) Why do they call Israel "oppressive" when a million muslim Arabs have Israeli citizenship and even those considered "refugees" have more freedom than citizens of Arab states around them?
I'd sure like some of the pro-Pals to address these questions.
If the Jews had a continuous presense in Palestine, where is evidence of same? There was no Hebrew spoken.