Delete above. Insert following:
"After we manage to arrive home, said youths sneak in the backyard, pour gas on our children, and burn them alive. My wife turns to me, fingering a butcher knife, and says 'Find them and bring them here to me."
No, no, no problem, that's what we're here for. ---Analogy Correction Central
No, no, no problem, that's what we're here for. ---Analogy Correction Central
Both your analogy and mine are valid. In both cases taking a shortcut through a rough neighborhood with an empty tank was extremely foolish. In both cases the youths are worthless punks who deserve to die.
Working on the assumption that there will always be worthless punks in the city, can we please agree that the wisest course of action is to stay away from their neighborhoods?
Or, for readers who are too obtuse to understand analogies: let's assume that there will always be evil psychopathic fanatics in this world and let's agree that it is unwise to effectively run their recruiting campaigns via US foreign policy.