Yes. Or spread disinformation like "vaccines are useless but harmful" and "unGodly."
Often the same "health nut" types that are anti-vaccine are the same types who are "pro-peace".
We have far more than our share of these nutballs in Alaska- especially around Fairbanks. I have had a few serious arguments with them- especiually the ones who don't want their kids to get Polio vaccine (I had Polio as a small child- I recovered fully, but many did not).p> Aside from that, though, there is certainly some blame attached to the professionals who made the decision to completely stop Smallpoxvaccination- even though they KNEW FOR SURE that the virus still existed in at least two labs, and very probably a lot more. The Greeks had a word for it- "HUBRIS". And a bad case of HUBRIS was always punished.