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FREEPERS: Are You a Vet or Currently Serving in the Armed Forces?

1 posted on 10/27/2001 12:07:54 AM PDT by Snow Bunny
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To: Snow Bunny

Voice your support for President Bush in this challenging time!

USO Canteen FReeper Style - Click here to locate the latest thread.

FREEPERS: Are You a Vet or Currently Serving in the Armed Forces?

"Adopt a Military Unit" for the holidays
Air Force     Army     Coast Guard     Marines     Navy

Dear American Soldier will print your e-mail and send it to a service person.

PRAYER WARRIORS: Adopt a Soldier and Pray Today Thread

Adopt a Soldier and Pray Today : Direct Link

Adopt a Soldier and Pray Today : Mirror Site

Support Our Soldiers, Send US Mail OR an E-mail to a service person.

Support our Troops NOW!

Adopt a Soldier

The FReeper's Ladies Guild are working on projects to support our troops.
Click here to find the latest Guild thread.

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2 posted on 10/27/2001 12:14:52 AM PDT by 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
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To: Snow Bunny

Some music links to play as you visit the Canteen today.....

American National Anthem
Anchors Away
America Medley
Battle Hymn of the Republic
When The Saints Go Marching In
High Fever (bagpipes)

From Snow Bunny: From the information I am getting in my emails and phone calls, we have now 7 bases and 3 Marine Corps League Clubs lurking at our Canteen here at FR. They told me it was ok to say they were lurking.
Some of their families are FReepers and posting here as well.
I sent Bob Hope the url for Free Republic and for the Canteen.With a hand written letter explaining Free Republic, Jim Robinson and his vision and the hard work he has done. He LOVES it !
Th various Canteen threads are being printed out and being sent to our troops, especially the graphics, poems, jokes, cartoons, wonderful stories etc. that they would enjoy.
If any one you have a base in your area, please take them a sheet to put on their bulletin board of both Free Republic and the USO Canteen.
Thank you all for YOU are what makes the Canteen special. And for every veteran here at FR.......... WELCOME HOME!

3 posted on 10/27/2001 12:17:26 AM PDT by Snow Bunny
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To: Snow Bunny

In Honor of those who gave their lives and those who were gravely disabled.
Thank You Brothers and Sisters for your sacrifices.

5 posted on 10/27/2001 12:22:11 AM PDT by 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
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To: Snow Bunny; Billie
USO Canteen will be open 1 extra hour this weekend,
due to Daylight Savings Time Change @ Sunday 2AM,
clocks back one hour

Happy Hour? hehehe
6 posted on 10/27/2001 12:26:34 AM PDT by 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
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To: Snow Bunny; doug from upland; RonDog; Irma

God bless our men and women in the military!!!

11 posted on 10/27/2001 12:41:09 AM PDT by PatiPie
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To: Snow Bunny

14 posted on 10/27/2001 12:49:35 AM PDT by 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
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To: Snow Bunny; Billie

24 posted on 10/27/2001 1:19:37 AM PDT by 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
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To: Billie
You know that I love you Billie, but this picture of my jaunty Air crew days just keeps reminding me that I died in a fiery crash in 1943.

That little setback hasn't kept me from posting to FR all these years, but it does bring back a few painful memories (still have a crick in the lower back). So much for angelic infallability!

37 posted on 10/27/2001 1:57:11 AM PDT by ArneFufkin
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To: Snow Bunny; Billie; kristinn
Snow Bunny, It wasn't really a USO Canteen operation, but maybe we should start thinking about going that way. We had a rally to support our troops in Fresno tonight, and we collected some goodies to ship overseas to our servicemen. We are planning on continuing these rallies every Friday night and we will be collecting items for shipping to our troops before Christmas. And these rallies are part of a nationwide campaign started by our D.C. Chapter, called "Operation Infinite FReep." I'm wondering if we should roll these events together somehow and include them within your USO Canteen effort? Sounds like a nationwide effort to provide packages of goods for, and generally offer support for our troops would fit fairly well into a USO operation? What do you think?

Here are links to the threads:

Fresno Treats for Troops and Counter-peacenik Rally Friday 10-26-01

Op Infinite FReep: Fresno Treats for our Troops Rally, Friday, Oct 26th

Operation Infinite FReep

51 posted on 10/27/2001 2:33:49 AM PDT by Jim Robinson
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To: Snow Bunny


These Colors Will Not Run!

Do your part to keep America's service men and women as PROUD OF AMERICA as we are of them.




The recent events of Tuesday, Sept. 11 have brought death and destruction and sadness to so many people around the world. But It DIDN'T HAVE TO BE! Why is it, that all of a sudden we come together as a nation? Why does it take a tragedy of this magnitude to show our solidarity? The pictures from TV of complete strangers hugging each other in the streets of NYC brought tears to my eyes! For one brief moment in time we were truly a nation of one! All racial / ethnic / religious barriers came down! Blacks and whites helping each other Jews and Christians hugging and coming together! Why are we not ALWAYS like this ???? And HOW could we, the strongest country in the world let this happen!

With everything that is happening in America today, all the new gun laws that our socialist politicians are attempting to pass, the problems in Klamath Falls with the ESA wanting to protect fish instead of America's farmers, the UN kicking the US off of the Human Rights Council, the U.N. vote to add Syria as a non-permanent member of the Security Council, Agenda 21, the New World Order, and on and on. It's just too much to think about for one man.

WHEN OSAMA BIN LADEN: declared a holy war against the US, I thought, what an idiot, then, I FORGOT!

WHEN OSAMA BIN LADEN AND HIS BUDDY, HEZBOLLAH: attacked the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983 that killed 241 Americans, I thought This sucks! THEN I FORGOT

WHEN OSAMA BIN LADEN: bombed the Jewish cultural center in Argentina in 1994 that killed 95 people, I thought, oh my God this guy should be stopped! But then, I FORGOT!

WHEN OSAMA BIN LADEN: Bombed the World Trade center in 1993 (the first time), that killed 6 people and wounded over 1000, I thought to myself how horrible! Then, I FORGOT!

WHEN OSAMA BIN LADEN: Admitted to the 1995 bombing in Riyadh that killed 5 US servicemen, I thought, OH my God, what a tragedy! THEN I FORGOT!

WHEN OSAMA BIN LADEN: Had his terrorists attack the USS Cole (DDG-57) while it was refueling in port in Yemen on October 12, 2000. 17 sailors were killed and over 30 were injured in the bombing, I thought we need to stop these guys before they kill any more Americans. THEN I FORGOT!

WHEN OSAMA BIN LADEN: Was named in the June 25, 1996, terrorist truck bombing in Dhahran that killed 19 U.S. airmen, I was outraged! THEN I FORGOT!

WHEN OSAMA BIN LADEN: bombed the U.S. Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania in 1998, I thought it was so sad, then, I FORGOT!

WHEN OSAMA BIN LADEN: Was prevented from a plot to hijack 12 planes in one day in Algeria, and blow them up, I thought GREAT work FBI! THEN I FORGOT!

WHEN OSAMA BIN LADEN: This past February, renewed his threat of a "jihad" or holy war against the U.S. and, in speaking to an Arabic newspaper, bin Laden said, "We had thought that the Riyadh and al-Khobar blasts were a sufficient signal to sensible U.S. decision-makers to avert a real battle between the Islamic nation and U.S. forces, but it seems that they did not understand the signal." I thought to myself this guy must be stopped! THEN I FORGOT !

WHEN OSAMA BIN LADEN: Sent his "punk ass" henchmen to fly airplanes into the Word Trade Center, killing what will probably be over 10 thousand people, and THEN fly an airplane into the pentagon and kill (NO MURDER) someone so close to me, I PROMISE YOU, I WILL NOT FORGET!


Please, Please, Please, if you are reading this, don't look away when they show the airplanes flying into the buildings on TV, look at it over and over again !! Don't stick your head in the sand! Remember how despicable the act was, remember the loss of life, don't shield your children, use restraint, but help them understand it, and remember it! They are our future! You will go back to work, and resume your daily duties, but, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, DON'T EVER FORGET!

I assure you the terrorists around the world are counting on us to! AGAIN! I fear the next time we will see a mushroom cloud on our beautiful horizon! Then it will be too late! All because WE FORGOT !

Maybe one of the reasons we won WW 2 , was because everyone.............................REMEMBERED PEARL HARBOR !

There are American sailors and soldiers on ships, in aircraft and on the ground fighting to keep America safe. These servicemen and women don't want to be fighting the Afghans. They would much rather be home, like us with our families, our husbands, our boyfriends, our girlfriends, our wives and children. At night we sleep safely in our homes because of them.

President Bush is wrong! Don't go back to "life as normal"
Don't Forget who is protecting us, AMERICAN military troops!

Before you go to sleep, everynight, say a prayer that they will be able to avoid the dangers of WAR and come home to us, so that we may thank them.


All Americans:

Keep this picture in your mind forever and the attack on the World Trade Towers, the death of those men, women and children will stay personal forever! When you get a peacelover whining in your ear, this is the cure. Six posts from the left, in the middle of the picture you see someone holding an infant out of the building trying to give it fresh air. These folks are all dead now. Keep this atrocity personal forever! Do not listen to the whiners and weepers about the civilian casulties that our pilots accidentally cause. Remember foremost the six thousand plus civilians who died in the attack on the World Trade Center Towers. This terrorist attack was an intentional mass murder of innocent civilians. So tell Reuters or CNN can go somewhere else with their 'sad stories'!

65 posted on 10/27/2001 7:16:42 AM PDT by B4Ranch
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To: Snow Bunny
Well done, Snow Bunny.


Kudos!, FReegards, Eagles Up, Mega-dittos, & Smiles!


72 posted on 10/27/2001 8:29:21 AM PDT by FReethesheeples
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To: Snow Bunny
I have discoverd that one must PAY for storage of photos to be viewed using img src HTML command..

I think I am getting the hang of this HTML Stuff. a snaphot I took 5 mins ago.

David C. Osborne (For U.S. Senate in 2004)

90 posted on 10/27/2001 10:06:12 AM PDT by davidosborne
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To: *USO Canteen
I am indexing this thread for the "USO Canteen" bump_list.

If you find a thread that may be of interest to readers of the "USO Canteen" (FReeper Style) threads, just post a reply to "USO Canteen," and THAT thread will be marked for retrieval, when the USO Canteen bump_list link is clicked.

(See also the OTHER interesting "bump_lists" on John Robinson's official "Free Republic Bump List Register.")

207 posted on 10/27/2001 8:56:52 PM PDT by RonDog
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