I had my IQ tested as a teen... it measured just under 180. I don't prejudge anybody I don't know. I hate the xlintons because of what they are and what they have done. I think the two of them have commited more felonies than John Dillenger & John Gotti combined. I think x42 comitted treasonous acts while president. The idiot that wrote this article is a typical elitist, arrogant yuppie snob who doesn't care what the unwashed masses (working people) think about anything.
I'm 38 yrs old. I am hoping that I will outlive x42 because, if I do, I plan on traveling to wherever they plant that sorry piece of $hit and pissing on his grave. Anybody want to join me? Say 1 yr to the day after he becomes fertilizer we meet and salute him in the way that he deserves.