I will confront these traitors anywhere they congregate. If they think anti-war protest is going to be a fun, touchy feely day's work we'll try to bring the reality of that first attack on America home to them.
It goes without saying that violence is not the answer to these stupid naive misguided souls. Verbal confrontation is. A thousand people yelling "Traitors all!" to a thousand of these traitors should do the trick.
Yes, we are, but to whom? Our nation, our wives, our children, our employer, our employees, ourselves?
We must confront and seek to cast out evil, wherever we find it--the home, the internet, Hollywood, Washington, or the mountains of Afghanistan.
The 'wages of war' may be death. "The wages of sin IS death."
We must come together as a country, as a People, and stand united against those who would destroy us. That includes those who would destroy free expression of ideas, don't you think? I don't really understand her, but as an American citizen, she has the right to her opinion.
Or, as my Mom says, "This is America. You are born with the innate right to be just as freakin' stupid as you want, just as long as you don't slop it over onto anyone else." ;)