Thats my understanding to. Thanks for posting this!! Common sense and calm must prevail. Panick and fear is exactly what the perps who did this to America want. I won't give it to them. I think we need to be alert.. but we also need to stay calm. Trust our Government. They are on top of this as best as can be.. we have no other choice than to trust them at this time. So lets just do that.. be alert.. be cautious.. but not fearful or panicked. I hate seeing people give in to what the terrorists want.
To those who don't understand.. a disease like SmallPox and the vaccine which is from the disease doesn't age. It is still the disease, the cells from SmallPox could be a saved forever. It doesn't matter if they are a hundred years old. They are still SmallPox. That is what the vaccine is made from. Heck.. I just read a story where they did DNA from a Dinosaur and found disease .. cultured it!! Seems that a lot of Dinosaurs had putrified skin lesions.
They are testing now to see if the existing vaccines can be diluted and still be effective. In other words.. can one vaccine serve 5 people instead of one person.
I heard that Spring of 2002 would be a likely date for completion. Right now, they could vaccinate an immediate outbreak. People in the medical field are on alert. This is actually being handled quite well (all things considered).
I do think someone previously was asleep on the job, hint hint.. especially knowing what they did at the time. But now we have to deal with the NOW.. and it "is" being handled.