What an ignorant comment! Are you what they call a 'disruptor' here at FR? In any event, you certainly need to read the opening page of FR.....its purpose for being!
Nowhere, in FR's stated puposes, and reson d'etre, does it say that this site is a primary idolitry tool for Ron Paul; a man who runs under GOP colors ( and takes their money ! ) , because he can't get elected as the Libertarian he is. He's about as valuable to this nation and the GOP, as Jeffrords.
You'd best reread the rules. It doesn't say that no one may not ever say a bad word against Paul.
Kinda hypocritical that Paul won't pay tribute to our allies in Aussie land, yet is more that willing to clutter up the congressional record with his own tribute to a high school chemistry class in his own district.
Witness More Ron Paul Hypocracy